Prophethood 2 - Page 11

1700 - موسى‏ وهارونُ عليهما السلام‏


(وَلَقَدْ آتَيْنَا مُوسَى‏ وهَارُونَ الْفُرْقَانَ وَضِيَاءً وَذِكْراً لِلْمُتَّقِينَ) .1

"Certainly We gave Moses and Aaron the Distinguisher, as a light and reminder for the Godwary." 2

(وَرُسُلاً قَدْ قَصَصْنَاهُمْ عَلَيْكَ مِنْ قَبْلُ وَرُسُلاً لَمْ نَقْصُصْهُمْ عَلَيْكَ وَكَلَّمَ اللَّهُ مُوسَى‏ تَكْلِيماً) .3

"and apostles We have recounted to you earlier and apostle We have not recounted to you, and to Moses Allah spoke directly." 4

(اُنظر) البقرة : 49 - 93 وهود : 17 ، 110 والمائدة : 20 - 26 وإبراهيم : 5 - 8 ومريم : 51 - 53 والسجدة : 23 ، 24 والأحزاب : 69 والصافّات : 114 - 122 والمؤمن : 53 ، 54 و فصّلت : 45 والأحقاف : 12 والقصص : 3 - 46 والأنفال : 52 - 54 ويونس : 75 - 93 والإسراء : 101 - 104 وطه : 9 - 97 والمؤمنون : 45 - 49 والشعراء : 10 - 68 وص : 12 والمؤمن : 23 - 46 والزخرف : 46 - 56 والتحريم : 11 والأعراف : 103 - 156 ، 159 - 162 والدخان : 17 - 33 والذاريات : 38 - 40 والصفّ : 5 والمزّملّ : 15 ، 16 والنازعات : 15 - 26 .

(See also: Qur'an 2:49-93, 11:17, 11:110, 5:20-26, 14:5-8, 19:51-53, 32:23-24, 33:69, 37:114-122, 40:53-54, 41:45, 46:12, 28:3-46, 8:52-54, 10:75-93, 17:101-104, 20:9-97, 23:45-49, 26:10-68, 38:12, 40:23-46, 43:46-56, 66:11, 8:103-156, 7:159-162, 44:17-33, 51:38-40, 62:5, 73:15-16, 79:15-26)

5975.الإمامُ الصّادقُ عليه السلام : أوحَى اللَّهُ إلى‏ موسَى بنِ عِمرانَ عليه السلام : أتَدري يا موسى‏ لِمَ انتَجَبتُكَ مِن خَلقي واصطَفَيتُكَ لِكَلامي ؟ فقالَ : لا ياربِّ ، فأوحَى اللَّهُ إلَيهِ : إنّي اطَّلَعتُ إلَى الأرضِ فلَم أجِدْ علَيها أشَدَّ تَواضُعاً لِي مِنكَ .5

5975.Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, 'Allah revealed unto Moses son of Imran (AS), 'Do you know O Moses why I picked you from My creation and chose you to speak to?' He said, 'No, O Lord.' So Allah revealed to him, 'I looked at the earth and did not find anyone on it more humble before Me than you.' 6

5976.رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : أوّلُ نَبيٍّ من بَني إسرائيلَ موسى‏ ، وآخِرُهُم عيسى‏ ، وسِتُّمِائةِ نَبيٍّ .7

5976.The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'The first prophet from the Children of Israel (Bani Isra'il) was Moses and the last of them was Jesus, and [they had] six hundred prophets.' 8

5977.الطبقات الكبرى‏ عن ابن عباس : قالَ رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله: إنّي‏رَأيتُ عيسى‏ وموسى‏ وإبراهيمَ؛ فأمّا عيسى‏ فجَعْدٌ أحمَرُ عَريضُ الصَّدرِ ، وأمّا موسى‏ فآدِمُ جَسِيمٌ سَبْطٌ كأنّهُ مِن رِجالِ الزُّطِّ ، فقالوا لَهُ : إبراهيمُ ؟ فقالَ : انظُروا إلى‏ صاحِبِكُم ؛ يَعني رسولَ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله نفسَهُ .9

5977. al-Tabaqat al-Kubra: Ibn Abbas narrated, 'The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'I saw Jesus, Moses and Abraham. As for Jesus, he had shrivelled, red skin and broad shoulders. Moses was a well-built person, heavy as if he was a gipsy.' He was asked, 'And Abraham?' He said, 'Look at your friend', referring to himself.' 10

5978.الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام : الحَمدُ للَّهِ ... الّذي كَلَّمَ موسى‏ تَكلِيماً ، وأراهُ مِن آياتِهِ عَظيماً ، بلا جَوارِحَ ولا أدَواتٍ ، ولا نُطقٍ ولا لَهَواتٍ .11

5978.Imam Ali (AS) said, 'Praise be to Allah...who spoke to Moses directly and showed him His great signs without the use of body parts, tools, the organ of speech or the uvula.' 12

5979.الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام - في بيان زهد الأنبياء - : وإنْ شئتَ ثَنَّيتُ بموسى‏ كَليمِ اللَّهِ عليه السلام؛ حَيثُ يقولُ : (رَبِّ إنّي لِما أنْزَلْتَ إلَيَّ مِن خَيرٍ فَقيرٌ)13 واللَّهِ ، ما سَألَهُ إلّا خُبزاً يأكُلُهُ ، لأنّهُ كانَ يأكُلُ بَقلَةَ الأرضِ .14

5979.Imam Ali (AS) said in describing the asceticism of the prophets, 'If you want, I will give a second example of Moses, the interlocutor of Allah (AS), when he said, 'My Lord I am indeed in need of any good You may send down to me!' 15 By Allah, he did not ask Him for anything other than bread to eat because he used to eat the herbs of the earth.' 16

5980.الإمامُ الصّادقُ عليه السلام : إنّ فِرعَونَ لَمّا وَقَفَ على‏ أنّ زَوالَ مُلكِهِ على‏ يدِ موسى‏ أمرَ بإحضارِ الكَهَنَةِ ، فدَلُّوهُ على‏ نَسَبِهِ وأنّهُ مِن بَني إسرائيلَ ، فلَم يَزَلْ يأمُرُ أصحابَهُ بِشَقِّ بُطونِ الحَوامِلِ مِن بَني إسرائيلَ حتّى‏ قَتَلَ في طَلَبِهِ نَيّفاً و عِشرينَ ألفَ مَولودٍ ، وتَعَذّرَ علَيهِ الوُصولُ إلى‏ قَتلِ موسى‏ ؛ لحِفظِ اللَّهِ تباركَ وتعالى‏ إيّاهُ .17

5980.Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, 'When the Pharoah realised that Moses would be the cause of the downfall of his kingdom, he called the divinators and they told him of Moses's lineage and that he was from the Children of Israel. Pharoah continued to order his men to cut open the stomachs of all the pregnant women from the Children of Israel until he killed in his search more than twenty thousand children, but he was not able to kill Moses because Allah the Almighty protected him.' 18

كلامٌ حَولَ قِصَصِ مُوسى‏ وهارونَ عليهما السلام :

Details of the Story of Moses and Aaron (AS)

أ نّه تولّد بمصر في بيتٍ إسرائيليّ حينما كانوا يذبحون المواليد الذُّكور من بني إسرائيل بأمر فرعون ، وجعلت اُمّه إيّاه في تابوت وألقته في البحر ، وأخذ فرعون إيّاه ثمّ ردّه إلى‏ اُمّه للإرضاع والتربية ونشأ في بيت فرعون .
ثمّ بلغ أشدّه وقتل القبطيّ وهرب من مصر إلى‏ مَديَن خوفاً من فرعون وملئه أن يقتلوه قصاصاً .
ثمّ مكث في مَدين عند شعيب النبيّ عليه السلام، وتزوّج إحدى‏ بنتيه .
ثمّ لمّا قضى‏ موسَى الأجل وسار بأهله آنس من جانب الطور ناراً وقد ضلّوا الطريق في ليلةٍ شاتيةٍ ، فأوقفهم مكانهم وذهب إلَى النّار ليأتيهم بقبسٍ أو يجد علَى النار هدى‏، فلمّا أتاها ناداه اللَّه من شاطئ الوادي‏الأيمن‏في البقعةالمباركة من الشجرة ، وكلّمه واجتباه وآتاه معجزة العصا واليد البيضاء في تسع آيات ، واختاره للرسالة إلى‏ فرعون وملئه وإنجاء بني إسرائيل وأمره بالذهاب إليه .
فأتى‏ فرعون ودعاه إلى‏ كلمة الحقّ وأن يرسل معه بني إسرائيل ولا يعذّبهم ، وأراه آية العصا واليد البيضاء فأبى‏ ، وعارضه بسحر السَّحَرة وقد جاؤوا بسحر عظيمٍ من ثعابين وحيّات ، فألقى‏ عصاه فإذا هي تلقف ما يأفكون ، فاُلقي السّحرة ساجدين قالوا : آمنّا بربّ العالمين ربّ موسى‏ وهارون ، وأصرّ فرعون على‏ جحوده وهدّد السَّحَرة ولم يؤمن.
فلم يزل موسى‏ عليه السلام يدعوه وملأه ويريهم الآية بعد الآية كالطوفان والجراد والقُمّل والضفادع والدم آياتٍ مفصّلاتٍ‏وهم‏يصرّون علَى استكبارهم ، وكلّما وقع عليهم الرّجز قالوا : يا موسى‏ ، ادع لنا ربّك بما عَهِد عندك لئن كشفت عنّا الرجز لنؤمننّ لك ولنرسلنّ معك بني إسرائيل ، فلمّا كشف اللَّه عنهم الرجز إلى‏ أجل هم بالغوه إذا هم ينكثون .
فأمره اللَّه أن يسري ببني إسرائيل ليلاً ، فساروا حتّى‏ بلغوا ساحل البحر ، فعقّبهم فرعون بجنوده،فلمّا تراءى‏الفريقان قال أصحاب موسى‏ : إنّا لَمُدرَكون . قال : كلّا إنّ معي ربّي سيهدين . فاُمر بأن يضرب بعصاه البحر فانفلق الماء فجاوزوا البحر ، وأتبعهم فرعون وجنوده حتّى‏ إذا ادّاركوا فيها جميعاً أطبق اللَّه عليهم الماء فأغرقهم عن آخرهم .
ولمّا أنجاهم اللَّه من فرعون وجنوده وأخرجهم إلَى البرّ ولا ماء فيه ولا كلأ أكرمهم اللَّه فأنزل اللَّه عليهم المنّ والسّلوى‏ ، واُمر موسى‏ فضرب بعصاه الحجر فانبجست منه اثنتا عشرة عيناً قد علم كلّ اُناس مشربهم ، فشربوا منها وأكلوا منهما وظلّلهم الغمام .
ثمّ واعد اللَّه موسى‏ أربعين ليلةً لنزول التوراة بجبل الطور ، فاختار قومه سبعين رجلاً ليسمعوا تكليمه تعالى‏ إيّاه ، فسمعوا ثمّ قالوا : لن نؤمن لك حتّى‏ نرَى اللَّه جهرةً ، فأخذتهم الصاعقة وهم ينظرون ، ثمّ أحياهم اللَّه بدعوة موسى‏ ، ولمّا تمّ الميقات أنزل اللَّه عليه التوراة وأخبره أنّ السامريّ قد أضلّ قومه بعده فعبدوا العجل .
فرجع موسى‏ إلى‏ قومه غضبان أسفاً ، فأحرق العجل ونسفه في اليمّ وطرد السامريّ وقال له : اذهب فإنّ لك في الحياة أن تقول لا مساس . وأمّا القوم فاُمروا أن يتوبوا ويقتلوا أنفسهم ، فتيب عليهم بعد ذلك ، ثمّ استكبروا عن قبول شريعة التوراة حتّى‏ رفع اللَّه الطور فوقهم .
ثمّ إنّهم ملّوا المنّ والسّلوى‏ وقالوا : لن نصبر على‏ طعام واحد ، وسألوه أن يدعو ربّه أن يُخرج لهم ممّا تنبت الأرض من بقلها وقثّائها وفومها وعدسها وبصلها ، فاُمروا أن يدخلوا الأرض المقدّسة الّتي كتب اللَّه لهم فأبوا، فحرّمها اللَّه عليهم وابتلاهم بالتِّيه يتيهون في الأرض أربعين سنة .19

He was born in Egypt in an Israeli house at the time when all the male newborns of the Children of Israel were being slaughtered by Pharaoh's order. His mother concealed him in a casket and threw him in the sea. Pharaoh then took him and returned him to his mother [not knowing that she was his mother and thinking her to be a wet-nurse] so that she could nurse him and bring him up, and he grew up in Pharaoh's house.
Moses became mature, killed someone from the Pharaoh's tribe [accidentally] and fled from Egypt to Midian in fear that Pharaoh and his men would kill him in retribution [for his action]. He stayed in Midian with Shuayb (AS) and married one of his two daughters.
When Moses had fulfilled the stay required of him there, he then left with his family, and saw the fire on the side of Mount Sinai, as they had lost their way in the cold, rainy night. He stopped them there and went to the fire to bring for them a brand from it, or find some guidance at the fire. So when he came to it, Allah called him from the right side of valley in the sacred place of the Tree. He, Almighty, spoke to him and chose him, and gave him the miracles of the staff and the glowing hand among nine other signs. He, Almighty, elected him to give the message to Pharaoh and his people and to save the Children of Israel, and He ordered him to go to him.
Moses went to Pharaoh and invited him to the word of Truth and asked to send the Children of Israel with him, and not to punish them. He showed Pharaoh the miracle of the stick and the glowing hand, but he rejected and countered him with the sorcery of the magicians. The magicians came with great magic with pythons and snakes, but Moses threw his stick on the ground and it swallowed what they had faked. The magicians fell down in prostration, saying, 'We believe in the Lord of the worlds, the Lord of Moses and Aaron.' Pharaoh insisted in his disbelief and threatened the magicians and did not believe.
Moses (AS) continuously invited Pharaoh and his followers to belief showing them sign after sign, like the flood, the locusts, the lice, the frogs, the blood, and other manifest signs, but they persisted in their haughtiness. Whenever evil would befall them, they would say, 'O Moses, pray to your Lord for us for what He has bestowed unto you that if you were to take away this evil we will believe in you and we will send the Children of Israel with you. But when Allah took away the punishment for an allocated time, they would break their commitment.
Allah then ordered him to leave with the Children of Israel during the night, and they left until they got to the sea shore, with Pharaoh and his soldiers pursuing them. When the two sides sighted each other, Moses' companions said, 'Indeed we have been caught', to which he replied, 'Certainly not! Indeed my Lord is with me. He will guide me.' Then he was commanded to strike the sea with his staff, whereupon it parted. So they crossed the sea, with Pharaoh and his hosts following them. When all of them had reached the shore, Allah closed the water back over them [i.e. Pharaoh and his hosts] and drowned every last one of them.
When Allah saved them from Pharaoh and his soldiers extracting them to dry land, and there was no water or plants there, Allah was kind to them and sent down manna [a sweet] and quail to them. Moses was ordered to hit a stone with his stick, and from it gushed out twelve springs of water. Every tribe came to know its drinking-place, and they drank and ate from it, and He shaded them with clouds.
Allah then made an appointment with Moses for forty nights for the descent of the Torah on Mount Sinai. Moses chose seventy of his men to let them hear Allah speaking to him. They heard but said, 'We will not believe in you until we see Allah in person, so the thunderbolt seized them as they looked on. Allah then revived them by the request of Moses, and when the tryst was completed Allah sent down the Torah and informed him of al-Samiri who was leading his people astray after him, worshipping the calf.
Moses returned to his people angry and regretful, and he burnt the calf and scattered it into the sea, and expelled al-Samiri, saying to him, 'Begone! It shall be your lot throughout life to say, 'Do not touch me....' As for the people, they were ordered to repent and kill [those among] themselves [who had worshipped the calf], and they were forgiven after that. But they were haughty in accepting the laws of the Torah until Allah raised the montain over them.
They became bored of eating manna and quail and said, 'We will not put up with one kind of food.' So, they asked him to invoke his Lord to bring forth for them of that which the earth grows, of its greens, cucumbers, garlic, lentils, and its onions. They were then ordered to enter the sacred land that Allah had ascribed to them, but they refused so Allah prohibited it to them and struck them with deviation, making them wander on the earth for forty years.' 20

1.الأنبياء : ۴۸ .

2.Quran ۲۱:۴۸

3.النساء : ۱۶۴ .

4.Quran ۴:۱۶۴

5.. الأمالي للطوسي: ۱۶۵ / ۲۷۵ .

6.Amali al-Tusi, p. ۱۶۵, no. ۲۷۵

7.بحار الأنوار : ۱۳ / ۷ / ۵ .

8.Bihar al-Anwar, v. ۱۳, p. ۷, no. ۵

9.الطبقات الكبرى‏:۱ / ۴۱۷ . al-Kubra, v. ۱, p. ۴۱۷

11.. نهج البلاغة : الخطبة ۱۸۲ .

12.Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon ۱۸۲

13.القصص : ۲۴ .

14.. نهج البلاغة : الخطبة ۱۶۰ .

15.Qur'an, ۲۸:۲۴

16.Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon ۱۶۰

17.بحار الأنوار : ۱۳ / ۴۷ / ۱۵ .

18.Bihar al-Anwar, v. ۱۳ p. ۴۷, no. ۱۵

19.تفسير الميزان : ۱۶ / ۴۰ .

20.Tafsir al-Mizan, v. ۱۶, p. ۴۰

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