Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 70 Released
Publish Date: 11/20/2014 Code: 37024

Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 70 Released

Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) is the first academic journal in the field of hadith scholarship and its related disciplines.

Ulum-i Hadith (Hadith Sciences) No. 70 Released



From the Virtues of Damascus to the Apocalyptic Damascus

Rasool Jafarian

Damascus, described by its virtues, land and inhabitants, is one of the cities found in several Shia hadiths. These hadiths, seeming mostly to be fabricated, emerged in this country in the context of political and economic relations. Later they were developed by cultural and identity factors as a means for their realization. Some other hadiths have an apocalyptic view of Damascus. Most of them are concerned with worldwide disaster, full security, Sufyani uprising, reappearance of Mahdi (peace be upon him), the return of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), and occasionally with Sufi (mystical) concepts such as Abdalism. There are many quotations in the form of hadith in this regard. As the collection of hadiths concerning the city requires a historical report and review, the author of the present paper tries to briefly address them within three parts: the virtues of Damascus, Damascus in apocalyptic narratives, and a critical view of the hadiths.

Key Words: Damascus, Damascus in the End of Times, the Virtues of Damascus, a Critical View of the Apocalyptic Hadiths.

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Survey of the Concept of Nuskha:
A Style of Hadith Collecting and Reporting

Ehsan Sorkhei

There is no acceptable definition of "nuskha" as a certain way of hadith writing. It seems that current definitions of the term are lacking strong documentation and acceptable evidence concerning its use in bibliographic sources. Searching for the evidence contained in Najashi’s Fihrist and scattered narratives from the missing books called "nuskha" of hadith scholars that such work has attributed to them, the author of the present paper tries to render a viable definition of the term. He also examines the "Sahifah al-Imam al-Reza (peace be upon him)", and "Musnad al-Imam al-Reza (peace be upon him), " as the two remaining examples of "nuskha".

Key Words: Nuskha, Hadith Sources, Stylistics, Najashi’s Fihrist (List of Hadith Books), Sahifah al-Imam al-Reza (peace be upon him), Musnad al-Imam al-Reza (peace be upon him).

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A Study on Prohibition of Teaching Chapter Yusuf to Women

Rahima Shamshiri
Sayyed Kazem Tabatabaee

In some old Shia hadith exegetical sources, hadiths are found which imply the avoidance of teaching and reciting Surah Yusuf to women. Literal meaning of these hadiths makes us dubious about reciting and teaching the best story of the Holy Quran to women. In this paper, following the collection of existing traditions and evaluating their chain of documents in hadith sources, the author tries to display the conflict of resulting uncertainties with muhkam (firm) verses of the Quran and some related hadiths. Regardless of the lack of reliable chain of documents for such traditions, the content of these hadiths can be somehow justified based on the muhkam (firm) verses of the Quran.

Key Words: Surah Yusuf (Chapter 12 of the Holy Quran), Teaching to Women, Prohibiting Traditions, Document Criticism, Content Criticism.

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Islamic Model of Hierarchy in the Family:
A Psychological Approach

Jawad Torkashvand
Mohammad Ali Mazaheri
Abbas Pasandideh

The aim of this study is to infer the Islamic model of hierarchy in the family from the Qur'an and hadith. Accurate model of the hierarchy in the family is one of the causes of consolidation and inaccurate model is known as a source of damage in it. Democratic model as the latest achievement in psychology and feminism treats men and women equally and puts them at the first place in the family. The main question of this research study: What is the Islamic model of hierarchy in the family? To answer this question, the authors of the present paper collect related traditions and verses of the Holy Quran, classify them, extract the common concepts and ideas and finally present the final model obtained by content analysis. The model derived from Islamic sources suggests that set of parents have a higher status in the family and children should be obedient to them. Among parents men are also of higher status than women who stand in second place and must obey men. In the subset of children the older son has a higher status as well. Islamic model of hierarchy in the family is based on the principle of gender differences. Not only this is not regarded as wrong, but as taken from the nature of man and one of the causes of the family's health and well-being.

Key Words: Family, Model, Hierarchy, Islam, Psychology, Feminism

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An Analysis of Causes for Akhbari’s Approach to Rijal Science

Hasan Naqizadeh
Saideh Sadat Musavinia

In recent centuries, Akhbaris is applied to a group of scientists who pay special attention to the hadiths of the Infalible Imams, peace be upon them. This group’s view, comparing to other views, of Rijal Science and its value is worthy of reflection. Akhbaris’ negative approach to rijal science and their rejection of the need for such knowledge are known to all. Perhaps Akhbaris’ rejection of diraya and the close relationship between diraya and rijal science has made such an image in minds. This study seeks to determine that Akhbaris have not denied rijal science absolutely. Rijal books and document analyses of hadiths confirms the claim that they themselves have had a special approach to rijal and pursued specific purposes by it.

Key Words: Akhbari, Rijal Knowledge, Examination, Chain of Documents.

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A Research on Hadith Selection in "A Light of the Quran"

Abolfazl Khoshmanesh

The Quranic and hadith aspect of figures of returning to the Quran and Islamic Awakening including Ayatollah Taleghani in the past two centuries is worthy of attention. Ayatollah Taleghani is a prominent figure of cultural and political campaign in years before the Islamic Revolution. He is known with titles such as national and political struggle, religious and Quranic jihad and written about in these fields. This paper is concerned with the way Ayatollah Taleghani interacts with traditions in his exegesis, A Light of the Quran and his other writings as well. Some of the strengths of his methods are: citing traditions in detail along with their jurisprudential examples, his attention to the social dimension of hadith selection, his attempt at bringing together different hadith examples following the verses, comparative and inter-religious approach, and his stance against the "Israelites". Some points in need of deliberation are: his approach to different recitations of the Quran, how to deal with some of the stories, and some traditions with no mention of source.

Key Words: Ayatollah Taleghani’s Exegesis, Ayatollah Taleghani’s Hadith, Taleghani, Akhbari and Traditions."

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The Collection and Compilation of the Holy Quran:
Analysis of Reliability of the Related Hadiths

Sohrab Morovvati
Fereshteh Darabi

The collection and compilation of the Holy Quran and its principles is an important issue in the field of Islamic and Quranic Sciences. This topic has been viewed from different viewpoints. It has made researchers and scholars in all historical periods, and even contemporary orientalists search in this field. It should be noted at the outset that this discussion is not merely an independent issue of Qur'anic sciences, but it overshadowed other discussions of Qur'anic sciences like the cessation of the chapters and verses and its distortion. It is certainly of the most important issues in the Quranic Sciences that there are conflicting opinions about it among the Shia and Sunni. The author of the present research study deals only with hadiths concerning the collection and compilation of the Holy Quran in the time of the first and second Caliph. Accordingly, he the validity of these hadiths from hadith collections, particularly Sunnis gathered based on the documentary evidence and in particular the Sunnites this narrative focuses on the analysis and validation. This study extracts hadiths concerning the collection and compilation of the Holy Quran in the time of the first and second Caliph from the main sources of Sunni people through library-documentation method. Using the tools of hadith criticism the authors try to make a critical view of these hadiths and validate them based on a descriptive method. Analysis and validation of accounts during the caliphate of Abu Bakr and Umar indicate that these hadiths essentially involve common sense of the collection of the Qur'an, which consequently common assessment criteria have been used to analyze them.

Key Words: Collection of the Quran, Abu Bakr, Umar, Textual Criticism, Mushafs, Codices.

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