َAbstracts - Page 182

with titles such as national and political struggle, religious and Quranic jihad and written about in these fields. This paper is concerned with the way Ayatollah Taleghani interacts with traditions in his exegesis, A Light of the Quran and his other writings as well. Some of the strengths of his methods are: citing traditions in detail along with their jurisprudential examples, his attention to the social dimension of hadith selection, his attempt at bringing together different hadith examples following the verses, comparative and inter-religious approach, and his stance against the "Israelites". Some points in need of deliberation are: his approach to different recitations of the Quran, how to deal with some of the stories, and some traditions with no mention of source.

Key Words: Ayatollah Taleghani’s Exegesis, Ayatollah Taleghani’s Hadith, Taleghani, Akhbari and Traditions."

The Collection and Compilation of the Holy Quran: Analysis of Reliability of the Related Hadiths

Sohrab Morovvati

Fereshteh Darabi

The collection and compilation of the Holy Quran and its principles is an important issue in the field of Islamic and Quranic Sciences. This topic has been viewed from different viewpoints. It has made researchers and scholars in all historical periods, and even contemporary orientalists search in this field. It should be noted at the outset that this discussion is not merely an independent issue of Qur'anic sciences, but it overshadowed other discussions of Qur'anic sciences like the cessation of the chapters and verses and its distortion. It is certainly of the most important issues in the Quranic Sciences that there are conflicting opinions about it among the Shia and Sunni. The author of the present research study deals only with hadiths concerning the collection and compilation of the Holy Quran in the time of the first and second Caliph. Accordingly, he the validity of these hadiths from hadith collections, particularly Sunnis gathered based on the documentary evidence and in particular the Sunnites this narrative focuses on the analysis and validation. This study extracts hadiths concerning the collection and compilation of the Holy Quran in the time of the first and second Caliph from the main sources of Sunni people through library-documentation method. Using the tools of hadith criticism the authors try to make a critical view of these hadiths and validate them based on a descriptive method. Analysis and validation of accounts during the caliphate of Abu Bakr and Umar indicate that these hadiths essentially involve

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