This is a very beautiful dua. Its poetic language and heartfelt message makes for an outstanding prayer.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful.
اللهم صلي على محمد وأل محمد
O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.
إلهي وقف السائلون ببابك
My God, the beggars are standing at Your door,
ولاذ الفقراء بجنابك
the needy have taken refuge with Your Honor.
ووقفت سفينة المساكين على ساحل
The ship carrying the poor and humble people, is standing at the shores of the sea ,
بحر جودك وكرمك
of Your generosity and grace,
يرجون الجواز إلى ساحة رحمتك ونعمتك
hoping for permission to cross , to the shores of Your mercy and blessings.
إلهي إن كنت لا ترحم في هذا الشهر الشريف
My God, if You do not forgive, in this honored month,
إلا لمن اخلص لك في صيامه وقيامه
except the one who has sincerely purified himself for You, in his fasting and prayers,
فمن للمذنب المقصر
then who is there for the negligent sinner,
إذا غرق في بحر ذنوبه واثامه
when he drowns in the sea of his sins?
إلهي إن كنت لا ترحم إلا المطيعين فمن للعاصين
My God, if You do not have mercy on any, except the obedient, then who is there for the disobedient?
وإن كنت لا تقبل إلا من العاملين ، فمن للمُقصرين
And if You do not accept from any, except the performers of (good) actions, then who is there for those who fall short?
إلهي ربح الصائمون وفاز القائمون
My God, those who fast have profited, those who stay up in prayer have won,
ونجى المُخلصون ، ونحن عبيدك المُذنبون
and those who are sincere have succeeded, but we are Your sinful servants!
فارحمنا برحمتك واعتقنا من النار بعفوك يا كريم
So be kind to us through Your mercy and save us from the fire through Your forgiveness, O Gracious
يا ارحم الراحمين
O most merciful.
وصلى الله على محمد وأله الطاهرين
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his family, the purified ones.