
It is incumbent upon the leader to teach the laws (hudud) of Islam and faith to the people under his rule.

سَبُعٌ أكُولٌ حَطُومٌ خَيرٌ مِن والٍ ظَلُومٍ غَشُومٍ . ح: 5626

A ferocious and brutal predator is better than an oppressive and unjust ruler. H: 5626

شَرُّ الوُلاةِ مَن يَخافُهُ البَري‏ءُ. ح: 5687

The worst of rulers is he whom even the innocent fear. H: 5687

مَن جارَت وِلايَتُهُ زالَت دَولَتُهُ . ح: 8365

He whose rule is oppressive, his government will fall apart. H: 8365

عَلَى الإِمامِ أن يُعَلِّمَ أهلَ وِلايَتِهِ حُدودَ الإِسلامِ والإِيمانِ. ح: 6199

It is incumbent upon the leader to teach the laws (hudud) of Islam and faith to the people under his rule. H: 6199

جودُ الوُلاةِ بِفَيءِ المُسلِمينَ جَورٌ وخَترٌ  . ح: 4725

The rulers’ generosity in using public property of the Muslims is injustice and treachery. H: 4725