اليَقينُ عِمادُ الإيمانِ . ح: 398
Conviction is the pillar of faith. H: 398
نَومٌ على يَقينٍ خَيرٌ مِن صَلاةٍ في شَكٍّ . ح: 9958
Sleeping with conviction is better than praying with doubt. H: 9958
يُستَدَلُّ علَى اليَقينِ بِقِصَرِ الأملِ ، وإخلاصِ العَملِ ، والزُّهدِ في الدُّنيا . ح: 10970
Conviction can be proved by the shortening of one's expectations, sincerity in one's actions, and abstention from worldliness. H: 10970
يُفسِدُ اليَقينَ الشَّكُّ وغَلَبَةُ الهَوى . ح: 11011
Doubt and being overcome by one's desires corrupts conviction. H: 11011
خِلطَةُ أبناءِ الدُّنيا تَشينُ الدِّينَ ، وتُضعِفُ اليَقينَ . ح: 5072
Associating with worldly people defames religion and weakens conviction. H: 5072
زُهدُ المَرءِ فيما يَفنى على قَدرِ يَقينِهِ بما يَبقى . ح: 5488
The abstention of a person from all that is perishable is in proportion of his conviction in all that is eternal. H: 5488
التَّوكُّلُ مِن قُوَّةِ اليَقينِ . ح: 699
Trust [in Allah] is from the strength of conviction. H: 699
ما أعظَمَ سَعادَةَ مَن بُوشِرَ قَلبُهُ بِبَردِ اليَقينِ ! ح: 9556
How great is the prosperity of one whose heart is blessed with the coolness of conviction. H: 9556
لَو كُشِفَ الغِطاءُ ما ازدَدتُ يَقيناً . ح: 7569
If the veils were to be uncovered for me my conviction would not increase. H: 7569
على قَدرِ الدِّينِ تَكونُ قُوَّةُ اليَقينِ . ح: 6184
The strength of one's conviction is proportionate to the extent of one's faith. H: 6184
الجَدَلُ في الدِّينِ يُفسِدُاليَقينَ . ح: 1177
Disputing about religion corrupts conviction. H: 1177
غايَةُ اليَقينِ الإخلاصُ ، غايَةُ الإخلاصِ الخَلاصُ . ح: 6347 و 6348
The peak of conviction is sincerity, and the goal of sincerity is salvation. H: 6347 & 6348
ما أيقَنَ بِاللَّهِ مَن لَم يَرْعَ عُهودَهُ وذِمَّتَهُ . ح: 9577
He who does not observe his promises and his guarantee does not have conviction in Allah. H: 9577
آفةُ اليقينِ الشَّكُّ . ح: 3916
The bane of certainty is doubt. H: 3916