أ ـ التَّحذيرُ مِن غَلَبَةِ أهلِ الشّامِ
Warning against the Victory of the People of Syria
489. الإرشاد
489. Al-Irshad, relates:
ـ مِن كَلامِهِ عليه السلام فِي استِبطاءِ مَن قَعَدَ عَن نُصرَتِهِ ـ:
- from his (AS) speech concerning those who refused to help him -:
ما أظُنُّ هؤُلاءِ القَومَ ـ يَعني أهلَ الشّامِ ـ إلّا ظاهِرينَ عَلَيكُم ،
“I can only think that these people - meaning the Syrians - will overcome you.”
فَقالوا لَهُ : بِماذا يا أميرَ المُؤمِنينَ ؟
They said to him: “Why is that, O’ Commander of the Faithful?”
قالَ : أرى اُمورَهُم قَد عَلَت ونيرانَكمُ قَد خَبَت ،
He said: “I see their affairs in the ascendancy, whilst your fires have subsided.
وأراهُم جادّينَ وأراكُم وانينَ ،
I see them in earnest whilst I see you weak.
وأراهُم مُجتَمِعينَ وأراكُم مُتَفَرِّقينَ ،
I see them united whilst I see you divided.
وأراهُم لِصاحبِهِم مُطيعينَ وأراكُم لي عاصينَ .
I see them obedient to their leader whilst I see you disobedient to me.
أمَ وَاللّهِ لَئِن ظَهَروا عَلَيكُم لَتَجِدَنَّهُم أربابَ سوءٍ مِن بَعدي لَكُم ،
By God, if they overcome you, indeed you will find them evil masters upon you after me.
لَكَأَنّي أنظُرُ إلَيهِم وقَد شارَكوكُم في بِلادكِمُ ،
It is as if I were looking at them now and they had joined you in your land.
وحَمَلوا إلى بِلادِهِم فَيئَكُم ،
They will carry off your share of the booty to their land.
وكَأَنّي أنظُرُ إلَيكُم تَكِشّونَ كَشيشَ الضِّبابِ ؛
It is as if I were looking at you rustling like lizards; you neither defend truth,
لا تَأخذُونَ حَقّا ولا تَمنَعونَ للِّهِ حُرمَةً ،
nor do you prevent for the sake of God any forbidden act.
وكَأَنّي أنظُرُ إلَيهِم يقَتُلونَ صالِحيكُم ،
It is as if I were looking at them killing your righteous men,
ويُخيفونَ قُرّاءَكُم ،
terrorising your reciters,
ويَحرِمونَكُم ويَحجُبونَكُم ،
forbidding you and hindering you
ويُدنونَ النّاسَ دونَكُم ،
from bringing other people close to themselves apart from you.
فَلَو قَد رَأيتُمُ الحِرمانَ وَالأَثَرَةَ ،
If you could see the deprivation, the selfishness,
ووَقعَ السَّيفِ ،
the blows of the swords
ونُزولَ الخَوفِ ،
and the infliction of terror,
لَقَد نَدِمتُم وخَسِرتُم عَلى تَفريطِكُم في جِهادِهِم ،
you would regret and be sorry for your neglect in going to war against them,
وتَذاكَرتُم ما أنتُم فيهِ اليَومَ مِنَ الخَفضِ والعافِيَةِ حينَ لا يَنفَعُكُمُ التَّذكارُ .
and you would remember the tranquility and well-being that you have today when remembrance will no longer benefit you.”
الإرشاد : ج1 ص274 .
Al-Irshad, vol. 1, 274.
ب ـ التَّحذيرُ مِن جَهَنَّمِ الدُّنيا
Warning against the Hell of This World
490. الإمام عليّ عليه السلامـ في كَلامِهِ مَعَ أهلِ الكوفَةِ ـ:
490. Imam Ali (AS) said, in his address to the people of Kufah:
أيُّهَا النّاسُ ! إنِّي استنَفَرتُكُم لِجِهادِ هؤُلاءِ القَومِ [أي أهلِ الشّامِ] فَلَم تَنفِروا ،
“O People! I have summoned you to fight against those people [the Syrians], but you have not set forth.
وأسمَعتُكُم فَلَم تُجيبوا ،
I have asked you to listen, but you have not responded.
ونَصَحتُ لَكُم فَلمَ تَقبَلوا ،
I have given you advice, but you have not accepted.
شُهودٌ كَالغُيَّبِ ،
You are present but are like the absent.
أتلو عَلَيكُمُ الحِكمَةَ فتُعرِضونَ عَنها ،
I recite to you wisdom, but you turn away from it.
وأعظِكُمُ بِالمَوعِظَةِ البالِغَةِ فَتَتَفَرَّقونَ عَنها ،
I give you eloquent admonishments but you are divided about it.
كَأنَّكُم حُمُرٌ مُستَنفِرَةٌ فَرَّت مِن قَسوَرَةٍ ،
It is as if you were terrified asses fleeing from a lion.
وأحُثُّكُم عَلى جِهادِ أهلِ الجَورِ فَما آتي عَلى آخِرِ قَولي
I urge you to fight the folk of oppression and I will not reach the end of my words
حَتّى أراكُم مُتَفَرِّقينَ أيادِيَ سَبَأٍ ،
before I see you scattering from me like the people of Saba’.
تَرجِعونَ إلى مَجالِسِكُم تَتَرَبَّعونَ حِلَقا ،
You return to your gatherings, sit in circles,
تَضرِبونَ الأَمثالَ
coin maxims,
وتَناشَدونَ الأشعارَ ،
recite poetry,
وتَجَسَّسونَ الأَخبارَ ،
try to gather information about the news,
حَتّى إذا تَفَرَّقتُم تَسأَلونَ عَنِ الأَسعارِ ،
until, when you leave, you ask about prices.
جَهلةً مِن غَيرِ عِلمٍ ،
This is out of ignorance without knowledge,
وغَفلةً مِن غَيرِ وَرَعٍ ،
carelessness without piety
وتَتَبُّعا في غَير خَوفٍ ،
and following without fear.
نَسيتُمُ الحَربَ والاِستِعدادَ لَها ،
You have forgotten the war and the need to prepare for it.
فَأَصبَحَت قُلوبُكُم فارِغَةً مِن ذِكرِها ،
Your hearts are empty of any mention of it.
شَغَلتُموها بِالأَعاليلِ وَالأَباطيلِ .
You have occupied it with diversion and idle chatter.
فَالعَجَبُ كُلُّ العَجَبِ !
How strange!
وما لي لا أعجَبُ مِنِ اجتِماعِ قَومٍ عَلى باطِلِهِم ،
Why should I not wonder at a people that have united around their falsehood
وتَخاذُلِكُم عَن حَقِّكُم !
when you fall short of your right truth?
يا أهلَ الكوفَةِ !
O People of Kufah,
أنتُم كَاُمِّ مُجالِدٍ ،
you are like the mother of Mujalid:
حَمَلَت فَأَملَصَت ،
She became pregnant, but induced prematurely,
فَماتَ قَيِّمُها ،
and her guardian died,
وطالَ تَأَيُّمُها ،
her widowhood was long
ووَرِثَها أبعَدُها .
and she was inherited by a distance relative.
وَالَّذي فَلَقَ الحَبَّةَ وبَرَأَ النَّسَمَةَ ،
By Him Who split the seed and created man,
إنَّ مِن وَرائِكُم للَأَعوَرَ الأَدبَرَ ،
behind you is the one-eyed1393 who keeps turning away,
جَهَنَّمُ الدُّنيا ،
the hell of this world,
لا يُبقي ولا يَذَرُ ،
who neither spares nor leaves [anything].
ومِن بَعدِهِ النَّهّاسُ الفَرّاسُ الجَموعُ المَنوعُ ،
After him is the savage, beast, accumulator of wealth and the miser.
ثُمَّ لَيَتَوارَثَنَّكُم مِن بَني اُمَيَّةَ عِدَّةٌ ،
Thereafter a number of the Banu Umayya will inherit rulership from one another.
ما الآخِرُ بِأَرأَفَ بِكُم مِنَ الأَوَّلِ ،
The last of them will not be more compassionate to you than the first of them,
ما خَلا رَجُلاً واحِدا (قال المجلسي قدس سره : المراد بالنّهاس الفرّاس إمّا هشام بن عبد الملك ؛ لاشتهاره بالبخل ، أو سليمان بن عبد الملك ، والأوّل أنسب . والمراد بالرجل الواحد هو عمر بن عبد العزيز، بحار الأنوار : ج34 ص140)،
except for one of them. [Al-Majlisi states: What is meant by savages and beasts could either refer to Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik for he was notorious for miserliness or Sulayman ibn Abd al-Malik. The first is more appropriate. The exception refers to Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 34, p. 140.]
بَلاءٌ قَضاهُ اللّهُ عَلى هذِهِ الاُمَّةِ لا مَحالَةَ كائِنٌ ،
It is a tribulation which God has decreed for this community.
يَقتُلونَ خِيارَكُم ،
They will kill the best of you
ويَستَعبِدونَ أراذِلَكُم ،
and enslave the wicked among you.
ويَستَخرِجونَ كُنوزَكُم وذَخائِرَكُم مِن جَوفِ حِجالِكُم (الحِجال : جمع الحَجَلة ؛ وهي بيت كالقُبّة يُستَر بالثياب ، وتكون له أزرار كِبار، النهاية : ج1 ص346)،
They will remove your treasures and [replete] your reserves from the heart of your chambers [Hajjaj ibn Yusuf is meant (Editor).]
نِقمَةً بِما ضَيَّعتُم مِن اُمورِكُم ،
as a wrath for what you have abandoned of your affairs,
وصَلاحِ أنفُسِكُم وَدينِكُم .
the well-being of yourselves and your religion.”
الإرشاد : ج 1 ص 278 .
Al-Irshad, vol. 1, 278.
ج ـ التَّحذيرُ مِنَ الذُّلِّ الشّامِلِ
Warning against Humiliation
491. الغارات عن جندب بن عبد اللّه الوائلي:
491. Al-Gharat, reporting from Jundub ibn Abdillah al-Wa’ili, who said:
كانَ عَلِيٌّ عليه السلام يَقولُ :
“Ali (AS) would say:
أما إنَّكُم سَتَلقَونَ بَعدي ثَلاثا :
Indeed, after me you wil encounter three things:
ذُلّاً شامِلاً ،
total humiliation,
وسَيفا قاتِلاً ،
a destructive sword
وأثَرَةً يَتَّخِذُهَا الظّالِمونَ عَلَيكُم سُنَّةً ،
and a preference over you that the oppressor will adopt as a trend.
فَسَتَذكُروني عِندَ تِلكَ الحالاتِ ،
You would remember me in these conditions.
فَتَمَنَّونَ لَو رَأَيتُموني ونَصَرتُموني وأهرَقتُم دِماءَكُم دونَ دمي ،
You will wish that you had seen me, supported me and spilled your blood in front of my blood.
فَلا يُبعِدُ اللّهُ إلّا مَن ظَلَمَ .
God will not send far but those who oppress.
وكانَ جُندَبٌ بَعدَ ذلِكَ إذا رَأى شَيئا يَكرَهُهُ ، قالَ :
Whenever Jundub saw something that he detests, he would say:
لا يُبعِدُ اللّهُ إلّا مَن ظَلَمَ .
God will not send far except those who oppress.”
الغارات : ج2 ص492 .
Al-Gharat, vol. 2, p. 492.