أ ـ إنَّ أحَبَّ ما أنَا لاقٍ إلَيَّ المَوتُ
Death‚ the Most Loved Thing
524. الإمام عليّ عليه السلام
524. Imam Ali (AS) said,
ـ مِن خُطبَةٍ لَهُ عليه السلام في ذَمِّ العاصينَ مِن أصحابِهِ ـ:...
in a sermon of his reproaching his disobedient companions:
إنَّهُ لا يَخرُجُ إلَيكُم مِن أمري رِضىً فَتَرضَونَهُ ، ولا سُخطٌ فَتَجتَمِعونَ عَلَيهِ ،
“...You are not well-pleased with any pleasing affair of mine.
وإنَّ أحَبَّ ما أنَا لاقٍ إلَيَّ المَوتُ !
Indeed, what I love to meet is death.
قَد دارَستُكُمُ الكِتابَ ،
I have taught you the Book1467,
وفاتَحتُكُمُ الحِجاجَ ،
clarified to you the arguments,
وعَرَّفتُكُم ما أنكَرتُم ،
informed you about that of which you were ignorant
وسَوَّغتُكُم ما مَجَجتُم ،
and made you swallow what you were spitting out.
لَو كانَ الأَعمى يَلحَظُ ،
Even the blind man would have able to see,
أوِ النّائِمُ يَستَيقِظُ !
and the sleeping would have awakened.
وأقرِب بِقَومٍ ـ مِنَ الجَهلِ بِاللّهِ ـ قائِدُهُم مُعاوِيَةُ !
How close to ignorance are people whose leader is Muawiyah
ومُؤَدِّبُهُمُ ابنُ النّابِغَةِ !
and whose instructor is Ibn al-Nabigha.”
نهج البلاغة : الخطبة 180 .
Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 180.
ب ـ اللّهُمَّ مَلِلتُهُم ومَلّوني
I And the People‚ Bored with One Another
525. الغارات عن ابن أبي رافع :
525. Al-Gharat, reporting from Ibn Abu Rafi‘, who said:
رَأَيتُ عَلِيّا عليه السلام قَدِ ازدَحَموا عَلَيهِ حَتّى أدَمَوا رِجلَهَ .
“I saw Ali (AS), when they had crowded around him and made his feet bleed,
فَقالَ : اللّهُمَّ قَد كَرِهتُهُم وكَرِهوني ،
say: O God. I have disliked them and they have disliked me.
فَأَرِحني مِنهُم وأرِحهُم مِنّي .
So relieve me of them and relieve them of me.”
الغارات : ج2 ص459 .
Al-Gharat, vol. 2, p. 459.