أ ـ إشخاصُ عَمرِو بنِ العاصِ لِقتالِ مُحَمَّدِ بنِ أبي بَكرٍ
Delegating ‘Amr ibn al-As’ to Fight Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr
511. تاريخ الطبري عن عبد اللّه بن حوالة الأزديـ
511. Tarikh al-Tabari, reporting from ‘Abdullah ibn Hawalah al-Azdi,
في ذِكرِ إشخاصِ مُعاوِيَةَ عَمرَو ابنَ العاصِ إلى مِصرَ ـ:
who said about Mu‘awiyah delegating ‘Amr ibn al-‘As to Egypt:
بَعَثَهُ في سِتَّةِ آلافِ رَجُلٍ . . .
“He dispatched him with six thousand men ...
فَخَرَجَ عَمرٌو يَسيرُ حَتّى نَزَلَ أدانِيَ أرضِ مِصرَ ،
Amr marched forth until he eached the outskirts of Egypt, the ‘Uthmanites gathered around him,
فَاجتَمَعَتِ العُثمانِيَةُ إلَيهِ فَأَقامَ بِهِم ،
and he resided with them;
وكَتَبَ إلى مُحَمَّدِ بنِ أبي بَكرٍ :
he then wrote to Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr:
أمّا بَعدُ ، فَتَنَحَّ عَنّي بِدَمِكَ يَا بنَ أبي بَكرٍ
‘Retreat with your blood from me, O son of Abu Bakr,
فَإِنّي لا اُحِبُّ أن يُصيبَكَ مِنّي ظُفُرٌ ،
indeed I do not wish a fingernail of me should scratch you.
إنَّ النّاسَ بِهِذِهِ البِلادِ قَد اجتَمَعوا عَلى خِلافِكَ
Verily the people of this country have come together to oppose you
ورَفضِ أمرِكَ ونَدِموا عَلَى اتِّباعِكَ ،
and reject your command
فَهُم مُسَلِّموكَ لَو قَدِ التَقَت حَلَقَتَا البِطانِ ،
and they have regretted following you; they will surrender you if we encounter.
فَاخرُجِ مِنها فَإِنّي لَكَ مِنَ النّاصِحينَ ،
Leave Egypt, for indeed I am a good counsellor to you;
وَالسَّلامُ .
and that’s all.’
وبَعَثَ إلَيهِ عَمرٌو أيضاً بِكِتابِ مُعاوِيَةَ إلَيهِ :
Amr also sent to him Muawiyah’s letter to him [i.e. Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr]:” 1431
أمّا بَعدُ ، فَإِنَّ غِبَّ البَغيِ وَالظُّلمِ عَظيمُ الوَبالِ ،
‘Now then‚ the wrongs and oppressions are of very evil consequences‚
وإنَّ سَفكَ الدَّمِ الحَرامِ لا يَسلَمُ صاحبَهُ مِنَ النِّقمَةِ فِي الدُّنيا
and shedding blood unlawfully will not save the shedding person from the retribution in this world‚
ومِنَ التِّبعَةِ الموبِقَةِ فِي الآخِرَةِ ،
nor from the ruining dire consequences in the hereafter.
وإنّا لا نَعلَمُ أحَداً كانَ أعظَمَ عَلى عُثمانَ بَغياً
We do not know a person as cruel as you against ‘Uthman;
ولا أسوَأَ لَهُ عَيباً
as bad as you in reproving him;
ولا أشَدَّ عَلَيهِ خِلافاً مِنكَ ،
and as violent as you in opposing him.
سَعَيتَ عَلَيهِ فِي السّاعينَ
You attempted against him among others who did so‚
وسَفَكتَ دَمَهُ فِي السّافِكينَ ،
and shed his blood among other shedding people.
ثُمَّ أنتَ تَظُنُّ أنّي عَنكَ نائِمٌ أو ناسٍ لَكَ
Then you think that I will fail to think of you or I will forget you
حَتّى تَأتِيَ فَتَأَمَّرَ عَلى بِلادٍ أنتَ فيها جاري ،
so that you may come (with peace of mind) and govern over a city where you are (at present)‚
وجُلُّ أهلِها أنصارِي
while most of its inhabitants are helpers.
يَرَونَ رَأيي ويَرقُبونَ قَولي ويَستَصرِخوني عَلَيكَ ،
They have the same opinion that I have‚ await my words (and commands) and ask me for help against you.
وقَد بَعَثتُ إلَيكَ قَوماً حِناقاً عَلَيكَ يَستَسقونَ دَمَكَ
I have sent to you a people who are resentful towards you; are thirsty for your blood;
ويَتَقَرَّبونَ إلَى اللّهِ بِجِهادِكَ ،
and seek proximity to God by fighting you.
وقَد أعطَوُا اللّهَ عَهداً لَيَمثِلُنَّ بِكَ ،
They promised God to certainly mulitate you.
ولَو لَم يَكُن مِنهُم إلَيكَ ما عَدا قَتلِكَ ما حَذَّرتُكَ ولا أنذَرتُكَ ،
Had the issue be merely killing you‚ I would not warn you of it‚
ولَأَحبَبتُ أن يَقتُلوكَ بِظُلمِكَ
(rather) I would like that they would kill you because of your injustice‚
وقَطيعَتِكَ وعُدُوِّكَ عَلى عُثمانَ
ill-treatment with ‘Uthman (as a blood-relative) and your hostility against him
يَومَ يُطعَنُ بِمَشاقِصِكَ بَينَ خُشَشائِهِ وأوداجِهِ ،
when he was struck by your spearhead on (the side of) his neck and between his jugular veins;
ولكِن أكرَهُ أن أمثِلَ بِقُرَشِيٍّ ،
but I dislike to mutilate a man of the Quraysh Tribe.
ولَن يُسَلِّمَكَ اللّهُ مِنَ القِصاصِ أبَداً أينَما كُنتَ .
God will never save you from retaliation‚ wherever you may be.
وَالسَّلامُ .
That‘s all.’
تاريخ الطبري : ج5 ص100 .
Tarikh al-Tabari, vol. 5, p. 100.
ب ـ استِنصارُ مُحَمَّدِ بنِ أبي بَكرٍ
Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr Seeking Help
512. تاريخ الطبري عن عبد اللّه بن حوالة الأزدي :
‘Tarikh al-Tabari, reporting from ‘Abdullah ibn Hawala al-Azdi, who said:
فَطَوى مُحَمَّدٌ كِتابَيهِما وبَعَثَ بِهِما إلى عَلِيٍّ ،
“Muhammad folded their letters and sent them to Ali.
وكَتَبَ مَعَهُما : أمّا بَعدُ ،
He wrote with it:
فَإِنَّ ابنَ العاصِ قَد نَزَلَ أدانِيَ أرضِ مِصرَ ،
indeed Ibn al-As has reached the outskirts of Egypt.
وَاجتَمَعَ إلَيهِ أهلُ البَلَدِ جُلُّهُم مِمَّن كانَ يَرى رَأيَهُم ،
Most of the people of the city who shared their opinion have joined him.
وقَد جاءَ في جَيشٍ لَجِبٍ خَرّابٍ ،
He has arrived with a raging and destructive army moreover.
وقَد رَأَيتُ مِمَّن قِبَلي بَعضَ الفَشَلِ ،
I have indeed seen some weakness among my men.
فَإِن كانَ لَكَ في أرضِ مِصرَ حاجَةٌ فَأَمِدَّني بِالرِّجالِ وَالأَموالِ .
If you are in need of the land of Egypt, then provide me with men and money.
وَالسَّلامُ عَلَيكَ .
Peace be on you.”
تاريخ الطبري : ج5 ص101 .
Tarikh al-Tabari, vol. 5, p. 101.
ج ـ كِتابُ الإِمامِ عليه السلام في جَوابِهِ
The Reply of Imam Ali
513. تاريخ الطبري عن عبد اللّه بن حوالة الأزدي :فَكَتَبَ إلَيهِ عَلِيٌّ :
513. Tarikh al-Tabari, reporting from ‘Abdullah ibn Hawala al-Azdi, who said: “Ali replied to him:
أمّا بَعدُ ، فَقَد جاءَني كِتابُكَ تَذكُرُ
‘Your letter has reached me recalling
أنَّ ابنَ العاصِ قَد نَزَلَ بِأَدانِيَ أرضِ مِصرَ في لَجَبٍ مِن جَيشِهِ خَرّابٍ،
that Ibn al-As has reached the outskirts of Egypt with a raging and destructive army
وأنَّ مَن كانَ بِها عَلى مِثلِ رَأيِهِ قَد خَرَجَ إلَيهِ ،
and that those who have a similar opinion have joined him.
وخُروجُ مَن يَرى رَأيَهُ إلَيهِ خَيرٌ لَكَ مِن إقامَتِهِم عِندَكَ ،
Know that the departure of those who share his opinion is better for you than their stay with you.
وذَكَرتَ أنَّكَ قَد رَأيتَ في بَعضٍ مِن قِبَلِكَ فَشَلاً ،
You have also mentioned that you have seen weakness among some of your men,
فَلا تَفشَل وإن فَشِلوا فَحَصِّن قَريَتَكَ ،
so do not fail even if they fail.
وَاضمُم إلَيكَ شيعَتَكَ وَاندُب إلَى القَومِ كِنانَةَ بنَ بِشرٍ المَعروفَ بِالنَّصيحَةِ وَالنَّجدَةِ وَالبَأسِ ،
Fortify your village and bring together your adherents‚ and dispatch Kinanah ibn Bishr- who is famed for his benevolence‚ courage and interpidity - to fight them (i.e. the enemies).
فَإِنّي نادِبٌ إلَيكَ النّاسَ عَلَى الصَّعبِ وَالذَّلولِ ،
At the same time I summon men to you riding on tractable and intractable mounts (i.e. camels and horses).
فَاصبِر لِعَدُوِّكَ وَامضِ عَلى بَصيرَتِكَ وقاتِلهُم عَلى نِيَّتِكَ وجاهِدهُم صابِرا مُحتَسِبا ،
Be patient toward your enemy, advance with your foresight, fight them with your determination and strive against them patiently for the sake of God.
وإن كانَت فِئَتُكَ أقَلَّ الفِئَتَينِ
If your group is the lesser of the two groups,
فَإِنَّ اللّهَ قَد يُعِزُّ القَليلَ ويَخذُلُ الكَثيرَ .
indeed God may honour the smaller group and abandon the bigger one.
وقَد قَرَأتُ كِتابَ الفاجِرِ بنِ الفاجِرِ مُعاوِيَةَ
I have read the letter of the immoral one, son of the immoral one, Muawiyah,
وَالفاجِرِ بنِ الكافِرِ عَمرٍو ،
and the letter of the immoral one, son of the unbeliever, Amr,
المُتَحابَّينِ في عَمَلِ المَعصِيَةِ وَالمُتَوافِقَينِ المُرتَشِيَينِ فِي الحُكومَةِ ، المُنكَرَينِ فِي الدُّنيا ،
who accompany one another on evil and corruption.
قَدِ استَمتَعوا بِخَلاقِهِم
They have indeed enjoyed their share [of worldly existence],
كَما استَمتَعَ الَّذينَ مِن قَبلِهِم بِخَلاقِهِم ،
just as those who were before them did enjoy their share.
فَلا يُهلِك إرعادَهُما وإبراقَهُما ،
So do not let their thundering (like clouds) and their shining (like lightning) frighten (and ruin) you.1433
وأجِبهُما إن كنتَ لَم تُجِبهُما بِما هُما أهلُهُ ،
Answer them if you have not answered them with what is appropriate for them,
فَإِنَّكَ تَجِدُ مَقالاً ما شِئتَ .
for indeed you have what you want to say.
وَالسَّلامُ .
That’s all.”
تاريخ الطبري : ج5 ص102 .
Tarikh al-Tabari, vol. 5, p. 102.
د ـ إستِنهاضُ الإِمامِ عليه السلام لِلدِّفاعِ عَن مِصرَ
Imam Ali’s Encouragement to Defend Egypt
514. تاريخ الطبري عن عبد اللّه بن فُقَيمـ
514. Tarikh al-Tabari, reporting from ‘Abdullah Ibn Fuqaym, who said,
بَعدَ ذِكرِ استِصراخِ مُحَمَّدِ بنِ أبي بَكرٍ إلى عَلِيٍّ عليه السلام ـ:
after recalling the call of Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr for help:
قامَ عَلِيٌّ فِي النّاسِ وقَد أمَرَ
“Ali stood amongst the people and commanded them [to assemble];
فَنودِيَ :
then it was declared:
الصَّلاةُ جامِعَةً !
‘Assemble for prayer!’
فَاجتَمِعِ النّاسِ ، فَحَمِدَ اللّهَ وأثنى عَلَيهِ ،
When the people gathered, he praised God, lauded Him
وصَلّى عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ صلى الله عليه و آله ،
and sent blessings on Muhammad (SA).
ثُمَّ قالَ :
Then he said:
أمّا بَعدُ ، فَإِنَّ هذا صَريخُ مُحَمَّدِ بنِ أبي بَكرٍ وإخوانِكُم مِن أهلِ مِصرَ ،
‘These are the earnest appeals of Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr and your brothers from the people of Egypt.
قَد سارَ إلَيهِمُ ابنُ النّابِغَةِ عَدُوُّ اللّهِ ،
The son of al-Nabigha1435, the enemy of God, has marched towards them.
ووُلِّيَ مَن عادَى اللّهَ ،
He was appointed by the one who has opposed God.
فَلا يَكونَنَّ أهلُ الضَّلالِ إلى باطِلِهِم ،
Let not the misguided in their falsehood
وَالرُّكونُ إلى سَبيلِ الطّاغوتِ أشَدَّ اجتِماعا مِنكُم عَلى حَقِّكُم هذا ،
and their inclination to the path of the oppressors be more united than you are in your truth.
فَإِنَّهُم قَد بَدَؤوكُم وإخوانَكُم بِالغَزوِ ،
For they have initiated the attack on you and your brothers.
فَاعجَلوا إلَيهِم بِالمُؤاساةِ وَالنَّصرِ .
Hasten to them with consolation and assistance.
عِبادَ اللّهِ !
O servants of God!
إنَّ مِصرَ أعظَمُ مِنَ الشّامِ ،
Indeed, Egypt is more important than Syria,
أكثَرُ خَيرا ، وخَيرٌ أهلاً ،
greater in good and better in people.
فَلا تَغلِبوا عَلى مِصرَ ،
Do not allow them to overpower Egypt.
فَإِنَّ بَقاءَ مِصرَ في أيديكُم عِزٌّ لَكُم ،
Indeed, the control of Egypt in your hands is a honour for you and
وكَبتٌ لِعَدُوِّكُم ،
a defeat for your enemies.
اُخرُجوا إلَى الجَرعَةِ (الجَرْعَة : موضع قرب الكوفة، معجم البلدان : ج2 ص127) .
Go forth towards al-Jara, [A place near Kufah. (Ref. Mu‘jam al-Buldan, vol.2, p. 127).]
بَينَ الحيرَةِ وَالكوفَةِ ،
between al-Hira and Kufah.
فَوافوني بِها هُناكَ غَدا إن شاءَ اللّهُ .
Meet me there tomorrow by the permission of God.’
قالَ : فَلَمّا كانَ مِنَ الغَدِ خَرَجَ يَمشي ،
He said: The next day he went out walking.
فَنَزَلَها بُكرَةً ،
He arrived early
فَأَقامَ بِها حَتَّى انتَصَفَ النَّهارُ يَومُهُ ذلِكَ ،
and resided there until midday,
فَلَم يُوافِهِ مِنهُم رَجُلٌ واحِدٌ ،
but nobody had come to meet him,
فَرَجَعَ .
so he returned.
فَلَمّا كانَ مِنَ العَشِيِّ بَعَثَ إلى أشرافِ النّاسِ ،
In the evening he sent for the nobles of Kufah;
فَدَخَلوا عَلَيهِ القَصرَ
when they arrived at the palace,
وهُوَ حَزينٌ كَئيبٌ ، فَقالَ :
he was disheartened and sad, so he said:
الحَمدُ لِلّهِ عَلى ما قَضى مِن أمري وقَدَّرَ مِن فِعلي وَابتَلاني بِكُم
‘I praise God for whatever matter He ordains and whatever action He decrees and for my trial with you.
أيَّتُهَا الفِرقَةُ ؛
O group of people
مِمَّن لا يُطيعُ اذا أمَرتُ ولا يُجيبُ إذا دَعَوتُ ،
who do not obey if I order and do not respond if I call.
لا أبا لِغَيرِكُم !
May others have no father [woe to your enemy!]
ما تَنتَظِرونَ بِصَبرِكُم وَالجِهادِ عَلى حَقِّكُم !
What are you waiting for through your patience and renunciation of your rights?
المَوتُ وَالذُّلُّ لَكُم في هذِهِ الدُّنيا عَلى غَيرِ الحَقِّ ،
For you there is either death or disgrace in case you do not follow the truth.
فَوَاللّهِ ، لَئِن جاءَ المَوتُ ـ ولَيَأتِيَنَّ ـ لَيُفَرِّقَنَّ بَيني وبَينَكُم ،
By God, if death comes, and it is sure to come, it will certainly separate between me and you.
وأنَا لِصُحبَتِكُم قالٍ وبِكُم غَيرُ ضَنينٍ .
I am averse to your company and am not eager for you.’ ”
تاريخ الطبري : ج 5 ص 108 .
Tarikh al-Tabari, vol. 5, p. 108.
و ـ فَرَحُ مُعاوِيَةَ
The Delight of Muawiyah
515. الغارات عن جندب بن عبد اللّهـ
515. Al-Gharat, reporting from Jundub Ibn Abdullah, who said,
في خَبَرِ قَتلِ مُحَمَّدِ بنِ أبي بَكرٍ ـ:
concerning the killing of Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr:
قَدِمَ عَلَيهِ [عَلى عَلِيٍّ عليه السلام ]عَبدُ الرَّحمنِ بنِ المُسَيِّبِ الفَزارِيُّ . . . عَينُهُ بِالشّامِ . . .
“Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Musayyib al-Fazari, ... his spy in Syria, ...
وحَدَّثَهُ أنَّهُ لَم يَخرُج مِنَ الشّامِ حَتّى قَدِمَتِ البُشرى
came to Ali (AS) and said to him that he did not leave Syria until the glad tidings
مِن قِبَلِ عَمرِو بنِ العاصِ تَتري يَتبَعُ بَعضُها عَلى أثَرِ بَعضٍ بِفَتحِ مِصرَ
had come in succession, one after the other, from Amr ibn al-As, in respect of the conquest of Egypt,
وقَتلِ مُحَمَّدِ بنِ أبي بَكرٍ ،
the killing of Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr,
وحَتّى أذَّنَ مُعاوِيَةُ بِقَتلِهِ عَلَى المِنبَرِ ،
such that Muawiyah called to prayer declaring the killing from the pulpit.
فَقالَ لَهُ :
He said to him:
يا أميرَ المُؤمِنينَ ،
‘O Commander of the Faithful,
ما رَأَيتُ يَوما قَطُّ سُرورا بِمِثلِ سُرورٍ رَأَيتُهُ بِالشّامِ ،
I have not ever seen a joy as great as the joy I saw in Syria,
حَتّى أتاهُم هَلاكُ ابنِ أبي بَكرٍ .
when the news of the death of the son of Abu Bakr had reached them.’
فَقالَ عَلِيٌّ عليه السلام :
Ali (AS) said:
أما إنَّ حُزنَنا عَلى قَتلِهِ عَلى قَدرِ سُرورِهِم بِهِ ،
‘Our grief at his killing is as much as their delight therein,
لا بَل يَزيدُ أضعافا .
or rather, it increases many-fold.’ ”
الغارات : ج1 ص295 .
Al-Gharat, vol. 1, p. 295.
ز ـ خُطبَةُ الإِمامِ عليه السلام بَعدَ قَتلِ مُحَمَّدِ بنِ أبي بَكرٍ
Imam Ali’s Sermon after Killing of Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr
516. الإمام عليّ عليه السلامـ
516. Imam Ali (AS) said,
في خُطبَتِهِ بَعدَ قَتلِ مُحَمَّدِ بنِ أبي بَكرٍ ـ:
in his sermon after the killing of Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr:
ألا إنَّ مِصرَ قَدِ افتَتَحَهَا الفَجَرَةُ اُولُو الجَورِ وَالظُّلمِ
“Let it be known that indeed Egypt was conquered by the immoral tyrants and oppressors
الَّذينَ صَدّوا عَن سَبيلِ اللّهِ ،
who have barred people from the path of God
وبَغَوا الإِسلامَ عِوَجاً .
and sought crookedness for Islam. [ That is ‘they caused the Muslims to deviate’ (Editor). ]
ألا وإنَّ مُحَمَّدَ بنَ أبي بَكرٍ قَدَ استُشهِدَ ،
Let it be known that Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr was martyred,
فَعِندَاللّهِ نَحتَسِبُهُ .
and we seek God’s reward upon his death.
أما وَاللّهِ إن كانَ ما عَلِمتُ لَمِمَّن يَنتَظِرُ القَضاءَ ،
By God, as far as I know‚ he was amongst those who were waiting for God’s decree,
ويَعمَلُ لِلجَزاءِ ،
working for divine reward,
ويُبغِضُ شَكلَ الفاجِرِ ،
detesting the character of the immoral,
ويُحِبُّ هُدَى المُؤمِنِ ،
taking pleasure in the guidance of the believer.
إنّي وَاللّهِ ما ألومُ نَفسي عَلَى التَّقصيرِ ،
By God, I do not blame myself for any shortcoming.
وإنّي لِمُقاساةِ الحَربِ لَجِدٌّ خَبيرٌ ،
I have endured war with perseverance and experience.
وإنّي لَأَقدَمُ عَلَى الأَمرِ وأعرِفُ وَجهَ الحَزمِ ،
I take action while I know the prudent way.
وأقومُ فيكُم بِالرَّأيِ المُصيبِ ،
I stand amongst you with the correct opinion,
فَأَستَصرِخُكُم مُعلِنا ،
call you for help openly,
واُناديكُم نِداءَ المُستَغيثِ مُعرِبا ،
the call of the seeker for aid who makes his appeal clearly,
فَلا تَسمَعونَ لي قَولاً ،
but you do not hear my words,
ولا تُطيعونَ لي أمرا ،
nor do you obey my command
حَتّى تَصيرَ بِيَ الاُمورُ إلى عَواقِبِ المَساءَةِ ،
so that the affairs lead to a gloomy end.
فَأَنتُمُ القَومُ لا يُدرَكُ بِكُمُ الثَّأرُ ،
You are a people through whom revenge cannot be taken
ولا تُنقَضُ بِكُمُ الأَوتارُ ،
nor can the pain of his bereavement be healed.
دَعَوتُكُم إلى غِياثِ إخوانِكُم مُنذُ بِضعٍ وخَمسينَ لَيلَةً
I have called you for fifty odd nights to assist your brethren,
فَتَجَرجَرتُم جَرجَرَةَ الجَمَلِ الأَشدَقِ ،
but you made noises like the noise of the wide mouthed camel
وتَثاقَلتُم إلَى الأَرضِ تَثاقُلَ مَن لَيسَ لَهُ نِيَّةٌ في جِهادِ العَدُوِّ ،
and sunk to the ground the sinking of one who has no intention to fight the enemy
ولَا اكتِسابِ الأَجرِ ،
or attain divine reward.
ثُمَّ خَرَجَ إلَيَّ مِنكُم جُنَيدٌ مُتَذانِبٌ
Then a wavering small contingent came to me from amongst you:
«كَأَنَّمَا يُسَاقُونَ إِلَى الْمَوْتِ وَهُمْ يَنظُرُونَ» الأنفال : 6 .
“as if they are being led to death and they are only watching”; Quran, 8:6.
فَاُفٍّ لَكُم !
so woe unto you.”
تاريخ الطبري : ج5 ص108 .
Tarikh al-Tabari, vol. 5, p. 108.