كَعبُ بنُ زُهَيرٍ
Kab ibn Zuhayr
كان شاعرا فحلاً مُجيدا ، وكان النبيّ صلى الله عليه و آله قد أهدر دمه لأبيات قالها لمّا هاجر أخوه بجير بن زهير إلى النبيّ صلى الله عليه و آله ، فهرب ثمّ أقبل إلى النبيّ صلى الله عليه و آله مسلما ، فأنشده في المسجد قصيدته التي أوّلها «بانت سعاد فقلبي اليوم متبول» . وأورد ابن شهر آشوب أبياتا له في أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام . توفّي سنة 45 ه (راجع : أعيان الشيعة : ج 9 ص 29) .
He was a master adept poet; the Prophet (s.'a.w) invalidated his blood because of couplets he had composed when his brother Bujayr ibn Zuhayr migrated to the Prophet, then he fled and went to the Prophet after having embraced Islam, then he composed in the mosque this poem of his beginning with "Banat Su'ad fa-qalbi al-yawma matbulun" (Su'ad appeared while today my heart is love-sick for her). Ibn Sharashub mentioned some of his couplets composed about the Commander of the Faithful. He died in 45 AH. (See A'yan al-Shi‘ah,) vol. 9, p. 29)
697. من شعراء القرن الأوّل ، يقول :
697. A poet of the first century AH. He says:
إنَّ عَلِيّا لَمَيمونٌ نَقيبَتُهُ بِالصّالِحاتِ مِنَ الأَفعالِ مَحبورُ
“Ali possesses auspicious character; He is known for performing righteous deeds;
صِهرُ النَّبِيِّ وخَيرُ النّاسِ كُلِّهِمُ فَكُلُّ مَن رامَهُ بِالفَخرِ مَفخورُ
The son-in-law of the Prophet and the best of all mankind; Whoever competes with him is disheartened.
صَلَّى الصَّلاةَ مَعَ الاُمِّيِّ أوَّلَهُم قَبلَ العِبادِ ورَبُّ النّاسِ مَكفورُ
He was the first to perform prayer with the unlettered [Prophet]‚ Before the worshippers, when the Lord of mankind was disbelieved.
بِالعَدلِ قُمتَ أمينا حينَ خالَفَهُ أهلُ الهَوى مِن ذَوِي الأَهواءِ وَالزّور
With justice you stood trustworthy when he was opposed‚ By the people of desire from among the possessors of passions and falsehood.
يا خَيرَ مَن حَمَلتَ نَعلاً لَهُ قَدَمٌ إلَا النَّبِيِّ لَدَيهِ البَغيُ مَهجورُ
O the best [of mankind] who walked [on earth] After the Prophet, evil is far from you.
اللّهُ أعطاكَ فَضلاً لا زَوالَ لَهُ مِن أينَ آتي لَهُ الأَيّامَ تَغييرُ
God has granted you favours that cannot vanish; When did he alter with the passage of time?”
المناقب للكوفي : ج 2 ص 86 ح 571 ؛ أنساب الأشراف : ج 3 ص 265 نحوه وفيه خمسة أبيات .
Al-Manaqib, by al-Kufi, vol. 2, p. 86, h. 571. Ansab al-Ashraf, vol. 3, p. 265.
الكُمَيتُ بنُ زَيدٍ الأَسَدِيُّ
Al-Kumayt ibn Zayd al-Asadi
أبو المستهل الكميت بن زيد بن خنيس : قال أبو الفرج : شاعر مقدّم عالم بلغات العرب ، خبير بأيّامها ، من شعراء مضر وألسنتها ، وكان في أيّام بني اُميّة ، ولم يدرك الدولة العبّاسيّة ومات قبلها ، وكان معروفا بالتشيّع لبني هاشم مشهورا بذلك . وقال بعضهم : كان في الكميت عشر خصال لم تكن في شاعر : كان خطيب أسد ، فقيه الشيعة ، حافظ القرآن العظيم ، ثبت الجنان ، كاتبا حسن الخطّ ، نسّابة جدلاً ، وهو أوّل من ناظر في التشيّع ، راميا لم يكن في أسد أرمى منه ، فارسا شجاعا سخيّا ديّنا ، وهو شاعر أهل البيت عليهم السلام ، وقد ورد عنهم عليهم السلام في حقّه مدائح قيّمة ، ولادته سنة 60 ه ووفاته سنة 126 ه (راجع : الغدير : ج 2 ص 195 و 211) .
Abu al-Mustahil al-Kumayl ibn Zayd ibn Khunays: Abu al-Faraj said (about him), "an early poet conversant with dialects [and jargons] of the Arabs and their course of events. He was a poet of Mudar Tribe and an expert in their languages. He lived in the Umayyad era and died before the Abbasid's reign. He was known as an adherent to Banu Hashim and was famed for this. One of them (Banu Hashim) said about him, "He was endowed with ten traits and characteristics, no other poet possessed: He was a brave orator, a jurisprudent of the Shi'a, a great memorizer of the Qur'an, a firm-hearted man, a calligrapher, and an expert genealogist. He was a pioneer in debating on Shi'ism; he was the pioneer archer in Asad (Tribe) none could excel him; he was a courageous generous religious horse rider; he was the poet of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) and was awarded valuable praises by them. He was born in 60 AH and died in 126 AH. (See al-Ghadir, vol. 2, pp. 195, 211).
698. الكُمَيتُ بنُ زَيدٍ الأَسَدِيُّ
698. He says:
عَلِيٌّ أميرُ المُؤمِنينَ وحَقُّهُ مِنَ اللّهِ مَفروضٌ عَلى كُلِّ مُسلِمِ
“Ali is the Commander of the Faithful and his right Is binding by God on every Muslim.
وإنَّ رَسولَ اللّهِ أوصى بِحَقِّهِ وأشرَكَهُ في كُلِّ حَقٍّ مُقَسَّمِ
Indeed, the Messenger of God enjoined his right. He included him in every right allotted.
وزَوَّجَهُ صِدّيقَةً لَم يَكُن لَها مُعادِلَةٌ غَيرُ البَتولَةِ مَريَمِ
He married him to the trustworthy [Lady] who has not An equal except Mary, the Virgin.
ورَدَّمَ أبوابَ الَّذينَ بَنى لَهُم بُيوتا سِوى أبوابِهِ لَم يُرَدِّمِ
He blocked the doors of those who built Houses [attached to the Mosque] except his door.
وأوجَبَ يَوما بِالغَديرِ وِلايَةً عَلى كُلِّ بَرٍّ مِن فَصيحٍ وأعجَمِ
He made incumbent on the day of Ghadir [his] guardianship On every person, Arab and non-Arab.”1751
الغدير : ج 2 ص 195 .
1751. Al-Ghadir, vol.2, p. 195.
السَيِّدُ الحِميَرِيُّ
Al-Sayyid al-Himyari
إسماعيل بن محمّد بن يزيد بن ربيعة الحِمْيري : ولد في سنة 105 ه ، قال: كنت وأنا صبي أسمع أبويّ يثلبان أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام فأخرج عنهما وأبقى جائعا ، واُؤثر ذلك على الرجوع إليهما ، فأبيت في المساجد جائعا لحبّي لفراقهما وبغضي لهما . والذي يجمع عليه المؤرّخون أنّه اعتنق أوّل ما اعتنق المذهب الكيساني ، ولكنّه اعتنق مذهب الإماميّة بعد أن لقي الإمام الصادق عليه السلام فناظره وألزمه الحجّة.توفّي سنة 173ه ودفن بالجنينة ببغداد (راجع : ديوان السيّد الحميري : ص 5) .
Isma'il ibn Muhammad ibn Yazid ibn Rabi‘a al-Himyari: He was born in 105 AH. He said, 'When I was a child I heard my parents revile the Commander of the Faithful (AS), then I left them while I was hungry. I preferred starvation to returning to them. I stayed in the mosques overnight because of my interest in leaving them and my hatred
for them both!' What the historians totally agree is that he first adopted the Kaysani faith; however, he converted to the Twelver Shi'a faith after his meeting with Imam al-Sadiq (AS) and the debate of the latter with him who forced proof on him. He died in 173 AH and was buried in Jinina in Baghdad. (See Diwan al-Sayyid al-Himyari, p. 5.).
699. من أكابر الشعراء في القرن الثاني ، يقول :
699. One of the great poets of the Second Century A.H. He says:
اُقسِمُ بِاللّهِ وآلائِهِ وَالمَرءُ عَمّا قالَ مَسؤولُ
“I swear by God and His favours A man is responsible for what he said.
إنَّ عَلِيٌّ بنَ أبي طالِبٍ عَلَى التُّقى وَالبِرِّ مَجبولُ
Indeed, Ali ibn Abi Talib Is disposed on god-wariness and righteousness.
وإنَّهُ كانَ الإِمامَ الَّذي لَهُ عَلَى الاُمَّةِ تَفضيلُ
Indeed, he was the Imam who Has preference over the Community [of Islam].
يَقولُ بِالحَقِّ ويعنى بِهِ ولا تُلَهّيهِ الأَباطيلُ
He speaks with truth and decrees with it And is not distracted by falsehood.
كانَ إذَا الحَربُ مَرَتهَا القَنا وأحجَمَت عَنهَا البَهاليلُ
When at war spears are drawn And the nobles retreat;
يَمشي إلَى القِرنِ وفي كَفِّهِ أبيَضُ ماضِي الحَدِّ مَصقولُ
He marches to his peers and in his palm Is a bright, shiny and sharp sword.
مَشيَ العَفَرْنى بَينَ أشبالِهِ أبرَزَهُ لِلقَنَصِ الغيلُ
The roaming of a lion among its cubs The most prominent to be hunted in the lair.
ذاكَ الَّذي سَلَّمَ في لَيلَةٍ عَلَيهِ ميكالٌ وجِبريلُ
He was the one greeted on a night By Michael and Gabriel.
ميكالُ في ألفٍ وجبريلُ في ألفٍ ويَتلوهُمُ سَرافيلُ
Michael was with a thousand (angels) and Gabriel with A thousand followed by Israfil.
لَيلَةَ بَدرٍ مَدَداً اُنزِلوا كَأَنَّهُم طَيرٌ أبابيلُ
On the night of Badr they were sent down as support As if they were the birds in flocks.
فَسَلَّموا لَمّا أتَوا حَذوَهُ وذاكَ إعظامٌ وتَبجيلُ
They greeted him when they came in his presence In honour and admiration [of him].”
الأمالي للطوسي : ص 198 ح 339 .
Al- Amali, by al-Tusi, p. 198, h. 339.
العَبدِيُّ الكوفِيُّ
Al-Abdi al-Kufi
أبو محمّد سفيان بن مصعب العبدي الكوفي : من شعراء أهل البيت الطاهر ، المتزلّفين إليهم بولائه وشعره ، المقبولين عندهم لصدق نيّته وانقطاعه إليهم ، قال الإمام الصادق عليه السلام : «علّموا أولادكم شعر العبدي ، فإنّه على دين اللّه » (رجال الكشّي : ج 2 ص 704 الرقم 748) ، ولم نجد في غير آل اللّه له شعرا ، وإنّ الواقف على شعره وما فيه من الجودة والجزالة والسهولة والعذوبة والمتانة ويرى ثناء الحِمْيري سيّد الشعراء عليه بأنّه أشعر الناس من أهله في محلّه (راجع : الغدير : ج 2 ص 294 ـ 297) .
Abu Muhammad Sufyan ibn Mus'ab al-'Abdi al-Kufi: One of the manifest poets in adherence to the Ahl al-Bayt (AS), who was drawn near to them by his loyalty and poetry, and was recognized by them because of his firm intention (and veracity), and his devotion to them. Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, "Teach al-'Abdi's poems to your children because he is on the creed of God.' (Rijal al-Kashshi, vol. 2, p. 704, No. 748). We did not find a piece of his poetry composed on a subject other than the Ahl al-Bayt. As a matter of fact he who is aware of his poem and its excellence, purity of style, easiness, sweetness and succinctness, judges the praise of al-Himyari, the master of the poets, denoting that he was the most expert poet of his time, to be appropriate. (See al-Ghadir, vol. 2, pp. 294-7).
700. العَبدِيُّ الكوفِيُّ
700. Al-Abdi al-Kufi
لَكَ المَناقِبُ يَعيَى الحاسِبونَ بِها عَدّا ويَعجِزُ عَنها كُلُّ مُكتَتِبِ
To you belong merits that counters are exhausted To count and scribes unable to [write].
كَرَجعَةِ الشَّمسِ إذ رُمتَ الصَّلاةَ وقَد راحَت تَوارى عَنِ الأَبصارِ بِالحُجُبِ
Like the returning of the Sun when you missed prayer And it vanished from sight in shrouds.
رُدَّت عَلَيكَ كَأَنَّ الشُّهبَ مَا اتَّضَحَت لِناظرٍ وكَأَنَّ الشَّمسَ لَم تَغِبِ
It was returned for you as if the stars had not appeared To an onlooker and as if the sun had not set.
وفي بَراءَةَ أنباءٌ عَجائِبُها لَم تُطوَ عَن نازِحٍ يَوما ومُقتَرِبِ
In the [pronouncement of] Disavowal there are tidings, its marvels Have not been hidden for a day to the far or the near.
ولَيلَةَ الغارِ لَما بِتَّ مُمتَلِئاً أمنا وغَيرُكَ مَلآنٌ مِنَ الرُّعُبِ
Peace while others were full with fear. You are indeed the brother of the guide and his assistant,
ما أنتَ إلّا أخُو الهادي وناصِرُهُ ومُظهِرُ الحَقِّ وَالمَنعوتُ فِي الكُتُبِ
On the night of the Cave when you slept full with The unveiler of truth as described in [revealed] Books.
وزَوجُ بَضعَتِهِ الزَّهراءِ يَكنُفُها دونَ الوَرى وأبو أبنائِهِ النُّجُبِ
The husband of al-Zahra, his part, he protects her Apart from others and the father of his noble sons.”
الغدير : ج 2 ص 291 ـ 293 .
Al-Ghadir, vol. 2. p. 291-3.
701. أحد أئمّة أهل السنّة ، يقول :
701. One of the authorities of the Sunnis. He says:
إذا في مَجلِسٍ نَذكُرُ عَلِيّا وسِبطَيهِ وفاطِمَةَ الزَّكِيَّهْ
“If in an assembly we remember Ali, His [i. e. Prophet’s] two grandsons and Fatimah, the chaste,
يُقالُ تَجاوَزوا يا قومُ هذا فَهذا مِن حَديثِ الرّافِضِيَّهْ
It is said: Leave, O people, this, For this is the speech of the Rejecter (Rafidiyya).
بَرِئتُ إلَى المُهَيمِنِ مِن اُناسٍ يَرَونَ الرَّفضَ حُبَّ الفاطِمِيَّهْ
I dissociate myself to the Master from people Who deem rejection to be love of Fatimiyya.”
ديوان الشافعي : ص 83 .
Diwan al-Shafii, p. 83.
وله أيضا :
He also says:
يا آلَ بَيتِ رَسولِ اللّهِ حُبُّكُمُ فَرضٌ مِنَ اللّهِ فِي القُرآنِ أنزَلَهُ
“O household of the Messenger of God, your love, Is a duty from God, mentioned in the Qur’an.
يَكفيكُمُ مِن عَظيمِ الفَخرِ أنَّكُمُ مَن لَم يُصَلِّ عَلَيكُم لا صَلاةَ لَهُ
Suffices to you in your great honour, That whoever does not bless you, his prayer is void.”
ديوان الشافعي : ص 68 .
Diwan al-Shafii, p 68.
وله أيضا :
He also says:
إلامَ إلامَ وحَتّى مَتى اُعاتَبُ في حُبِّ هذَا الفَتى ؟
“Up to where? Up to where? And until when? Am I chastised for the love of this youth?
وهَل زُوِّجَت فاطِمٌ غَيرَهُ وفي غَيرِهِ هَل أتى «هَلْ أَتَى» ؟ الإنسان : 1 .
Was Fatimah married to anyone else? Concerning whom else were [His words] “Has there been” revealed?”. Qur’an, 76:1.
الصراط المستقيم : ج 1 ص 183 .
Al-Sirat al-Mustaqim, vol. 1, p. 183.
الصّاحِبُ بنُ عَبّادٍ
Al-Sahib ibn Abbad
هو أبو القاسم إسماعيل بن أبي الحسن عبّاد بن العبّاس الطالقاني : ولد سنة 326 ه . نفسيّته من النفسيّات التي أعيت البليغ حدودها ؛ فهي تستدعي الإفاضة في تحليلها من ناحية العلم طورا ، ومن ناحية الأدب تارة ، كما تسترسل القول من وجهة السياسة مرّة ومن وجهة العظمة اُخرى ، إلى جود هامر وفضل وافر ، وفضائل لا تحصى . وصفه شيخنا الحرّ العاملي بأنّه محقّق متكلّم عظيم الشأن جليل القدر ، كما أنّ الثعالبي جعله أحد أئمّة اللغة الذين اعتمد عليهم في كتابه فقه اللغة . وقال السيّد في الدرجات الرفيعة : إنّ الصاحب قال قصيدة معرّاة من الألف التي هي أكثر الحروف دخولاً في المنثور والمنظوم ، وهي في مدح أهل البيت عليهم السلام في سبعين بيتا ، فتعجّب الناس ، وتداولتها الرواة ، فسارت مسير الشمس في كلّ بلدة ، فاستمرّ على تلك الطريقة وعمل قصائد كلّ واحدة منها خالية من حرف واحد من حروف الهجاء وبقيت عليه واحدة تكون خالية من الواو . وتوفّي سنة 385 ه بالرّي (راجع : الغدير : ج 4 ص 42) .
He is Isma'il ibn Abu al-Hasan 'Abbad ibn al-'Abbas al-Taliqani: born in 326/937, his mentality is among those ones that defies limitation, for his knowledge and erudition. On the one hand he was a great scholar and a man of letter, on the other hand he was a politician and a magnanimous excellent person, and was endowed with countless other virtues. Shaykh al-Hurr al-'Amili (d. 1104/1692) described him this way: "He is a great scholar, and an esteemed theologian. Al-Tha'alibi considered him among leading lexicologists upon whom he relied while compiling his Fiqh al-Lugha (Arabic philology)." In his al-Darajat al-Rafi'a, the Sayyid said,"Al-Sahib composed a kasida (poem) which is free of the letter alif – while this character is the most frequently occurred one both in Arabic prose and verse – as a eulogy on the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) in seventy couplets, that amazed the people and was passed alternatively among the narrators and circulated in all cities. He (later) continued this method and composed other kasidas each of them being free of a letter of the Arabic Alphabet and succeeded to compose them with the exception of a poem being free of the letter waw. He died in 385/995 in Rayy. (See al-Ghadir, vol. 4, p. 42).
702. من جهابذة العلماء والاُدباء في القرن الرابع ، يقول :
702. A great scholar and man of letters of the fourth century. He says:
قالَت : فَمَن صاحِبُ الدّينِ الحَنيفِ أجِب ؟ فَقُلتُ : أحمَدُ خَيرُ السّادَةِ الرُّسُلِ
“She said: Who is the bearer of the true religion, answer [me]? So I said: Ahmad, the best of masters and messengers.
قالَت : فَمَن بَعدَهُ تُصفِي الوَلاءَ لَهُ ؟ قُلتُ : الوَصِيُّ الّذي أربى عَلى زُحَلِ
She said: Whom after him do you befriend sincerely? So I said: The executor who has exceeded [the planet of] Saturn.
قالَت : فَمَن باتَ مِن فَوقِ الفِراشِ فِدىً ؟ فَقُلتُ : أثبَتُ خَلقِ اللّهِ فِي الوَهَلِ
She said: Who slept on the bed out of sacrifice? So I said: The firmest of God’s creatures at the time of fear.
قالَت : فَمَن ذَا الَّذي آخاهُ عَن مِقَةٍ ؟ فَقُلتُ : مَن حازَ رَدَّ الشَّمسِ فِي الطَّفَلِ
She said: Who did he [take as a] brother out of love? So I said: Who made the sun return after it had set.
قالَت : فَمَن زَوَّجَ الزَّهراءَ فاطمة ؟ فَقُلتُ : أفضَلُ مَن حافٍ ومُنتَعِلِ
She said: Who married al-Zahra, Fatima? So I said: The best of those who are barefooted and with sandals.
قالَت : فَمَن والِدُ السِّبطَينِ إذ فَرَعا ؟ فَقُلتُ : سابِقُ أهلِ السَّبقِ في مَهَلِ
She said: Who is the father of the two grandchildren [of the Prophet] when they branched off? So I said: The forerunner of the people of precedence in good.
قالَت : فَمَن فازَ في بَدرٍ بِمُعجِزِها ؟ فَقُلتُ : أضرَبُ خَلقِ اللّهِ فِي القُلَلِ
She said: Who was victorious at Badr with its miracle? So I said: The best striker of enemy heads among God’s creation.
قالَت : فَمَن أسَدُ الأَحزابِ يَفرِسُها ؟ فَقُلتُ : قاتِلُ عَمرِو الضَّيغَمِ البَطَلِ
She said: Who was the lion of the Battle of the Trench? So I said: The killer of Amr, the hero.
قالَت : فَيَومَ حُنَينٍ مَن فَرا وبَرا ؟ فَقُلتُ : حاصِدُ أهلِ الشِّركِ فِي عَجَلِ
She said: At the battle of Hunayn, who exhausted and cut? So I said: The killer of the polytheists in a haste.
قالَت : فَمَن ذا دُعِيَ لِلطَّيرِ يَأكُلُهُ ؟ فَقُلتُ : أقرَبُ مَرضِيٍّ ومُنتَحِلِ
She said: Who was invited to share the [roasted] bird? So I said: The closest to God and the most beloved to him.
قالَت : فَمَن تِلوُهُ يَومَ الكِساءِ أجِب ؟ فَقُلتُ : أفضَلُ مَكسُوٍّ ومُشتَمِلِ
She said: Who was next to him on the Day of the Cloak? Answer. So I said: The best [of those] clad and of embraced.
قالَت : فَمَن سادَ في يَومِ «الغَديرِ» أبِنْ ؟ فَقُلتُ : مَن كانَ لِلإِسلامِ خَيرَ وَلِيِّ
She said: Who was [declared] Guardian on the Day of Ghadir? Explain. So I said: Who was the best friend of Islam.
قالَت : فَفي مَن أتى في هَل أتى شَرَفٌ ؟ فَقُلتُ : أبْذَلِ أهلِ الأَرضِ لِلنَّفَلِ
She said: Who was honoured in [the Chapter of] Man [Quran, 76]? So I said: The most generous of earth’s inhabitants.
قالَت : فَمَن راكِعٌ زَكّى بِخاتَمِهِ ؟ فَقُلتُ : أطعَنُهُم مُذ كانَ بِالأَسَلِ
She said: Who donated his ring while bowing? So I said: The possessor of the most piercing spear.
قالَت : فَمَن ذا قَسيمُ النّارِ يُسهِمُها ؟ فَقُلتُ : مَن رَأيُهُ أذكى مِنَ الشُّعَلِ
She said: Who is the divider of the fire of hell? So I said: He whose opinion is brighter than the flame.
قالَت : فَمَن باهَلَ الطُّهرُ النَّبِيُّ بِهِ ؟ فَقُلتُ : تاليهِ في حِلٍّ ومُرتَحَلِ
She said: With whom did the Prophet invoke curses? So I said: He who accompanied him at home and on travel.
قالَت : فَمَن شِبهُ هارونَ لِنَعرِفَهُ ؟ فَقُلتُ : مَن لَم يَحُل يَوما ولَم يَزُلِ
She said: Who resembles Harun (Aaron) so we may know him? So I said: He who did not err nor fall [from grace].
قالَت : فَمَن ذا غَداً بابُ المَدينَةِ قُل ؟ فَقُلتُ : مَن سَأَلوهُ وَهوَ لَم يَسَلِ
She said: Say [to me], who became the door of the City [of Knowledge]? So I said: Who was asked but did not ask [of anyone].
قالَت : فَمَن قاتِلُ الأَقوامِ إذ نَكَثوا ؟ فَقُلتُ : تَفسيرُهُ في وَقعَةِ الجَمَلِ
She said: Who fought the people that broke their allegiance? So I said: Its explanation is at the Battle of the Camel.
قالَت : فَمَن حارَبَ الأَرجاسَ إذ قَسَطوا ؟ فَقُلتُ : صِفِّينُ تُبدي صَفحَةَ العَمَلِ
She said: Who fought the filthy when they were oppressive? So I said: [The Battle of] Siffin reveals [the details of] their actions.
قالَت : فَمَن قارَعَ الأَنجاسَ إذ مَرَقوا ؟ فَقُلتُ : مَعناهُ يَومَ النَّهرَوانِ جَلي
She said: Who removed the polluted when they rebelled? So I said: Its meaning was manifest on the day of Nahrawan.
قالَت : فَمَن صاحِبُ الحَوضِ الشَّريفِ غَدا ؟ فَقُلتُ : مَن بَيتُهُ في أشرَفِ الحُلَلِ
She said: Who is the possessor of the honourable pond tomorrow? So I said: He whose family is the most noble.
قالَت : فَمَن ذا لِواءُ الحَمدِ يَحمِلُهُ ؟ فَقُلتُ : مَن لَم يَكُن فِي الرَّوعِ بِالوَجِلِ
She said: Who will bear the standard of Praise? So I said: He who did not panic [at the time of] fear.
قالَت : أكُلُّ الَّذي قَد قُلتَ في رَجُلٍ ؟ فَقُلتُ : كُلُّ الَّذي قَد قُلتُ في رَجُلِ
She said: Does all that you have said correspond to a man? So I said: All that I have said is concerning one man.
قالَت : فَمَن هُوَ هذَا الفَردُ سِمهُ لَنا ؟ فَقُلتُ : ذاكَ أميرُ المُؤمِنينَ عَلِيّ
She said: Who is that individual, name him for us? So I said: He is the Commander of the believers Ali.”
الغدير : ج 4 ص 40 ، المناقب لابن شهر آشوب : ج 3 ص 293 نحوه .
Al-Ghadir, vol. 4. p. 40. al-Manaqib, by Ibn Shahr Ashub, vol. 3, p. 293.
اِبنُ أبِي الحَديدِ
Ibn Abi al-Hadid
703. من جهابذة العلماء وأثبات المؤرّخين في القرن السابع ، يقول :
703. A great scholar and reliable historian of the seventh century A.H
كَأَنَّ ظُباتِ المَشرَفِيَّةِ مِن كَرىً فَما يَبتَغي إلّا مَقَرَّ المَحاجِرِ
“As if the sharpness of the lengthy swords of Mashrafiyyah Do not seek but the seat of the eye socket.
فَلا تَحسَبَنَّ الرَّعدَ رَجسَ غَمامَةٍ ولكِنَّهُ مِن بَعضِ تِلكَ الزَّماجِرِ
So do not reckon thunder to be the voice of a cloud But it is part of that rumbling sound.
ولا تَحسَبَنَّ البَرقَ نارا فَإِنَّهُ وَميضٌ أتى مِن ذِي الفَقارِ بِفاقِرِ
And do not reckon lightning to be fire for indeed it is A flash that has come from Dhi al-Fiqar at Faqir. [An important day in the history of the Arabs or a day in which a people were impoverished or wherein the backbone of a people was broken. (refer: Mujam al-Buldan, vol. 4, p. 232.)]
ولا تَحسَبَنَّ المُزنَ تَهمي فَإِنَّها أنامِلُهُ تَهمي بِأَوطَفِ هامِرِ
And do not reckon the clouds flowing, for indeed it is His fingertips flowing with water pouring.
تَعالَيتَ عَن مَدحٍ فَأَبلَغُ خاطِبٍ بِمَدحِكَ بَينَ النّاسِ أقصَرُ قاصِرِ
You are high exalted about praise, so the most eloquent preacher About your praise among people is bound to fall short.”
الروضة المختارة : ص126 .
Al-Rawdah al-Mukhtarah, p. 126.
عَلاءُ الدّينِ الحِلِّيُّ
Ala’ al-Din al-Hilli
أبو الحسن علاء الدين عليّ بن الحسين الحلّي الشهيفي ، المعروف بابن الشهفيّة : عالم فاضل وأديب كامل ، وقد جمع بين الفضيلتين علم غزير وأدب بارع . وفي الطليعة : من شعراء أهل البيت عليهم السلام ، وقد أثنى عليه بالعلم والفضل والأدب القاضي في المجالس ، والحرّ العاملي في أمل الآمل ، والميرزا صاحب رياض العلماء ، وسيّدنا مؤلّف رياض الجنّة ، وابن أبي شبانة في تتميم الأمل وغيرهم (الغدير : ج6 ص365) . [1] ما بين المعقوفين أثبتناه من طبعة مركز الغدير .
Abu al-Hasan 'Ala' al-Din 'Ali ibn al-Husayn al-Hilli al-Shahifi, known as Ibn al-Shahafiyya: an erudite scholar and a perfect literary man who was endowed with two virtues: knowledgeability and excellent belles-letters; in the lead was that he was a poet of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) praised by al-Qadi (Nurullah al-Shushtari)) in his Majalis al-Mu'minin; and by al-Hurr al-'Amili in his Amal al-Amil, and by al-Mirza ('Abdullah al-Afandi) in his Riyad al-'Ulama', and by our master, the compiler of Riyad al-Janna, and by Ibn Abi Shabana in his Tatmim al-Amal (a supplement to Amal al-Amil) and other scholars for his knowledgeability, erudition and being a man of letter. (See al-Ghadir, vol. 6, p. 365).
704. من أكابر العلماء والاُدباء في القرن الثامن ، يقول :
704. A great scholar and man of letters of the eighth century AH
يامَن بِهِ كَمُلَ الدّينُ الحَنيفُ ولِل إِسلامِ مِن بَعدِ وَهنٍ مَيلَهُ عَضَدا
“O he with whom the true religion was perfected And Islam was strengthened after weakness.
وصاحِبَ النَّصِّ في خُمٍّ وقَد رَفَعَ النَّبِيُّ ]مِنهُ[ عَلى رَغمِ العَدا عَضُدا
You are meant in the Revelation at Khumm when the Prophet raised [You] in spite of their enmity as a support.
أنتَ الَّذِي اختارَكَ الهادِي البَشيرُ أخا وما سِواكَ ارتَضى مِن بَينِهِم أحَدا
You are the one the guide, the harbinger of glad tidings, chose as a brother And did not prefer from amongst them anyone else.
أنتَ الَّذي عَجِبَت مِنهُ المَلائِكُ في بَدرٍ ومِن بَعدِها إذ شاهَدوا اُحُدا
You are the one at which the angels expressed wonder Badr and when they witnessed Uhud.”
ويقول أيضا :
He also says:
وحَقِّ نَصرِكَ لِلإِسلامِ تَكلَؤُهُ حِياطَةً بَعدَ خَطبٍ فادِحٍ ورَدى
“Truly, your help to Islam protects it Like an enclosure after immense hardship and stumbling.
ما فَصَّلَ المَجدُ جِلبابا لِذي شَرَفٍ إلّا وكانَ لِمَعناكَ البهيجِ رِدا
Honour has not removed the cloak of the dignified Except that it was a shawl for your magnificent sense.
يا كاشِفَ الكَربِ عَن وَجهِ النَّبِيِّ لَدى بَدرٍ وقَد كَثُرَت أعداؤُهُ عَدَدا
O he who has removed sorrow from the face of the Prophet at Badr when his enemies increased in number.
اِستَشعَرُوا الذُّلَّ خَوفا مِن لِقاكَ وقَد تَكاثَروا عَدَدا وَاستَصحَبوا عُدَدا
They felt humiliated in fear of meeting you when Their numbers increased and they were accompanied by equipments.
ويومَ عمرِو بنِ وَدِّ العامِرِيِّ وقَد سارَت إلَيكَ سَرايا جَيشِهِ مَدَدا
The day [he confronted] Amr ibn Wadd al-Amiri when The battalion of his army marched to you in support [of him].
أضحَكتَ ثَغرَ الهُدى بشرا بِهِ وبَكَتْ عَينُ الضَّلالِ لَهُ بَعدَ الدِّما مُدَدا
You made the source of guidance laugh with glad tidings And the source of misguidance lamented him after he bled profusely.
وفي هَوازِنَ لَمّا نارُهَا استَعَرَتْ من عَزمِ عَزمِكَ يَوما حَرُّها بَرَدا
At the Battle of Hawazin, when [the fighting] intensified It was your determination then that extinguished it.
أجرى حُسامُكَ صَوبا مِن دِمائِهُمُ هَدَرا وأمطَرتُهُم مِن أسهُمٍ بَرَدا
Your sword shed their blood in vain And rained on them arrows [like] hail.
أقدَمتَ وَانهَزَمَ الباقونَ حينَ رَأَوا عَلَى النَّبِيِّ مُحيطا جَحفَلاً لُبَدا
Thus the remainder were defeated when they saw You advancing [with others] and surrounding the Prophet like an army.
لَولا حُسامُكُ ما وَلَّوا ولَا اطَّرَحوا مِنَ الغَنائِمِ مالاً وافِرا لُبَدا
Were it not for your sword they would not have fled and abandoned The booty of abundant and bountiful wealth.”
الغدير : ج6 ص365 .
Al-Ghadir, vol. 6. p. 365.
الشَّيخُ أحمَدُ السَّبعِيُّ الأَحسائِيُّ
Al-Shaykh Ahmad al-Sabi al-Ahsa’i
الشيخ فخرالدين أحمد بن محمّد بن عبد اللّه . . . بن رفاعة الرفاعي السبعي الإحسائي : كان فاضلاً في الدين ، مصنّفا في أغلب العلوم ، أديبا شاعرا حسن المنثور والمنظوم ، جاء من بلاد البحرين إلى العراق ، ثمّ سكن الهند حتى توفّي سنة تسعمائة ونيّف وستّين من الهجرة . وله مؤلّفات كثيرة ؛ نذكر منها : تسديد الإفهام في شرح قواعد الأحكام ، والأنوار العلويّة في شرح الألفيّة الشهيديّة (راجع : أعيان الشيعة : ج3 ص123) .
Al-Shaykh Fakhr al-Din Ahmad ibn Muhamamd ib 'Abdullah ibn Rufa'a al-Sab'i al-Ahsa'i: he was a man of culture and refinement in perspective of religion, an author who authored in most branches of knowledge, an excellent literary man, an eloquent person both in prose and verse. He came from Bahrain to Iraq and then moved to and dwelled in India until he died around 960/1553. His compilations are numerous among them mention may be made of Tasdid al-Afham fi Sharh Qawa'id al-Ahkam and al-An-war al-'Alawiyya fi Sharh al-Alfiyya al-Shahidiyya. (See A'yan al-Shi'ah, vol. 3, p. 123).
705. من العلماء والاُدباء في القرن العاشر ، يقول :
705. A great scholar and man of letters of the tenth century AH
أعيَت صِفاتُكَ أهلَ الرَّأيِ وَالنَّظَرِ وأورَدَتهم حِياضَ العَجزِ وَالحَصَرِ
“Your merits exhausted people of thought and reflection And led them to the area of incompetence and confinement.
أنتَ الَّذي دَقَّ مَعناهُ لِمُعتَبِرٍ يا آيةَ اللّهِ بَل يا فِتنَةَ البَشَرِ
You are the one who refined his essence for one who ponders O sign of God, rather, O test of men.
يا حُجَّةَ اللّهِ بَل يا مُنتَهَى القَدَرِ
O proof of God, rather, O the utmost limit of decree.
عَن كَشفِ مَعناكَ ذُو الفِكرِ الدَّقيقِ وَهَنْ وفيكَ رَبُّ العُلى أهلَ العُقولِ فَتَنْ
Those [endowed] with refined thought failed to unveil your secrets In you the Lord of Highness challenged the people of intellect.
أنّى تَحُدُّكَ يا نورَ الإِلهِ فُطُنْ يامَن إلَيهِ إشاراتُ العُقولِ ومَنْ
How should intellects define you, O Light of the Divine O you, to whom the signs of the Intellect refer and those
فيهِ الأَلِبّاءُ بَينَ العَجزِ وَالخَطَرِ
Endowed with reasoning are between inability and peril.
فَفي حُدوثِكَ قَومٌ في هَواكَ غَوَوا إذ أبصَروا مِنكَ أمرا مُعجِزا فَغَلَوا
People have been misled through your existence out of love for you When they noticed miraculous things from you, so they exaggerated
حَيَّرتَ أذهانَهُم يا ذَا العُلى فَعَلَوا هَيَّمتَ أفكارَ ذِي الأَفكارِ حينَ رَوَوا
You perplexed their minds, O lofty one, so they were elevated You captivated the thoughts of those with intellects when they reported
آياتِ شَأنِكَ فِي الأَيّامِ وَالعُصُرِ
The Signs pertaining to you during the days and over time.
أوضَحتَ لِلنّاسِ أحكاما مُحَرَّفَةً كَما أبَنتَ أحاديثا مُصَحَّفَةً
You clarified for people deviated rulings As you explained distorted reports
أنتَ المُقَدَّمُ أسلافا وأسلِفَةً يا أوَّلاً آخِرا نورا ومَعرِفَةً
You are the foremost of your predecessors in good [deeds] O the First and Last in Light and Knowledge
يا ظاهِرا باطِنا فِي العَينِ وَالأَثَرِ
O outward and inward in eye and vestige.
يا مُطعِمَ القُرصِ لِلعانِي الأَسيرِ وما ذاقَ الطَّعامَ وأمسى صائِما كَرَما
O giver of bread to the suffering prisoner, [who] did not Taste food and spent the night honourably in fast
ومُرجِعَ القُرصِ إذ بَحرُ الظَّلامِ طَما لَكَ العِبارَةُ بِالنُّطقِ البَليغِ كَما
Returner of the Sun in a sea of darkness, to you Belong eloquent overflowed utterances, and
لَكَ الإِشارَةُ فِي الآياتِ وَالسُّوَرِ
To you are references in verses and chapters [of the Qur’an].
أنوارُ فَضلِكَ لا تُطفي لَهُنَّ عِدا مَهما يُكَتِّمُهُ أهلُ الضَّلالِ بَدا
The light of your kindness cannot be extinguished by enmity No matter how the people of misguidance conceal it
تَخالَفَت فيكَ أفكارُ الوَرى أبَدا كَم خاضَ فيكَ اُناسٌ فَانتَهَوا فَغَدا
The views of men have always clashed over you How many a people spoke of you and finished, so
مَغناكَ مُحتَجِبا عَن كُلِّ مُقتَدِرِ
Your glory became veiled from every able one.”
أعيان الشيعة : ج3 ص124 ، الغدير : ج7 ص42 عن الحافظ البرسي .
Aayan al-Shiah, vol. 3, p. 124. al-Ghadir, vol. 7. p. 42.
الشَّيخُ كاظِمٌ الاُزرِيُّ
Shaykh Kazim al-Uzri *
هو الشيخ كاظم ابن الحاج محمّد التميمي البغدادي ، المعروف بالاُزري ، أديب أريب ، فاضل كامل ، منشئ ، بليغ ، شاعر له ديوان ،وله مدائح في أهل البيت عليهم السلام ، وقصيدته الهائيّة مشهورة وهي المعروفة بالاُزريّة ، حتى أنّ صاحب الجواهر تمنّى أن يكون له أجر هده القصيدة بدل أجر جواهر الكلام الذي لم يُؤلَّف نظيره في الفقه الجعفري لحدّ الآن . توفّي سنة (1211 ه ) عن عمر يناهز الثمانين في مدينة الكاظميّة المقدّسة ، ودفن في السرداب المعروف بقبر السيّد المرتضى (ريحانة الأدب : ج1 ص110) .
He is al-Shaykh KaÛim ibn al-Hajj Muhammad al-Tamimi al-Baghdadi, known as al-Uzri, a resourceful literary man, a perfect erudite, an eloquent writer and poet having a divan (of his poetical works). He has composed eulogies on the Ahl al-Bayt (AS). His kasida with each couplet ending in "h" sound is well-known, the same kasida which is known as al-Uzriyyah. Even the compiler of the (voluminous) book of Jawahir al-Kalam wished the spiritual reward of this kasida were for him in return of the spiritual reward of compiling Jawahir al-Kalam, the book in Shi'a jurisprudence which has remained matchless so far. He died in 1211/1796 at the age of eighty in the holy city of Kazimayn, and was buried in the vault known as the tomb of al-Sayyid al-Murtada. (See Rayhanat al-Adab, vol. 1, p. 110.).
706. من كبار الشعراء في القرن الثالث عشر ، يقول :
706. A great poet of the thirteen century AH
أيُّهَا الرّاكِبُ المُجِدُّ رُوَيدا بِقُلوبٍ تَقَلَّبَت في جَواها
“O hasty diligent rider, slow down! Have compassion on hearts that are turned over in passion.
إن تَراءَت أرضُ الغَرِيّينَ فَاخضَعْ وَاخلَعِ النَّعلَ دونَ وادي طُواها
If the land of Ghari (Najaf) shows itself to you, then yield‚ And take off your shoes facing the like of Tuwa Valley.
وإذا شِمْتَ قُبَّةَ العالَمِ الأَع ـلى وأنوارُ رَبِّها تَغشاها
If you behold the dome of the Upper World‚ Coverted by the lights of its Lord‚
فَتَواضَع فَثَمَّ دارَةُ قُدسٍ تَتَمَنَّى الأَفلاكُ لَثْمَ ثَراها
Then be unassuming for there lies a halo of holiness‚ That even the highest stars wish to kiss its soil.
قُل لَهُ وَالدُّموعُ سَفحُ عَقيقٍ وَالحِشى تُصطَلى بِنارِ غَضاها
Say to him while your tears are like pouring agate‚ And the interior being blazed by the enduring fire of its tree‚
يَابنَ عَمِّ النَّبِيِّ أنتَ يَدُ اللّ ـهِ الَّتي عَمَّ كُلَّ شَيءٍ نَداها
O Prophet’s cousin‚ you are the hand of God‚ Whose magnanimosity has encompassed everything‚
أنتَ قُرآنُهُ القَديمُ وأوصا فُكَ آياتُهُ الَّتي أوحاها
You are his eternal Qur’an and your qualities‚ Are its verses that He has revealed.
حَسبُكَ اللّهُ في مَآثِرِ شَتّى هِيَ مِثلُ الأَعدادِ لا تَتَناهى
God has singled you out various feats‚ That are like numbers never-ending.
لَيتَ عَينا بِغَيرِ رَوضِكَ تَرعى قَذِيَت وَاستَمَرَّ فيها قَذاها
May an eye that is feasted on a garden other than yours‚ Be vexed with dirt continually.
أنتَ بَعدَ النَّبِيِّ خَيرُ البَرايا وَالسَّما خَيرُ ما بِها قَمراها
You are after the Prophet the best of people‚ As the heaven the best in it is its moon.
لَكَ ذاتٌ كَذاتِهِ حَيثُ لَولا أنَّها مِثلُها لَما آخاها
You have a self that is as same as his. Had your selves been different‚ He would not have united them in fraternity.
قَد تَراضَعتُما بِثَديِ وِصالٍ كانَ مِن جَوهَرِ التَّجَلّي غِذاها
Both of you were suckled with the bosom of reunion‚ Whose sustenance was the Essence of Manifestation. ”
قرآن الشعر : ص85 .
Qur’an al-Shir, p. 85.