889. رسول اللّه صلى الله عليه و آله :
889. The Prophet (SA) said:
يا عَلِيُّ ، إنَّ فيكَ مَثَلاً مِن عيسىَ بنِ مَريَمَ ؛
“O Ali, there is a sort of similarity between you and Jesus, son of Mary;
أحَبَّهُ قَومٌ فَأَفرَطوا في حُبِّهِ
a people loved him but they went to extremes in their love for him,
فَهَلَكوا فيهِ ،
so they perished,
وأبغَضَهُ قَومٌ فَأَفرَطوا في بُغضِهِ
another people hated him and went to extremes in their hatred for him,
فَهَلَكوا فيهِ ،
so they perished as well.
وَاقتَصَدَ فيهِ قَومٌ فَنَجوا .
Still another people were moderate [concerning love for him] thus they were delivered.”
الأمالي للطوسي : ص 345 ح 709 .
Al-Amali, by al-Tusi, p. 345, h. 709.
890. الإمام عليّ عليه السلام :
890. Imam Ali (AS) said, [in one of his sermons]:
سَيَهلِكُ فِيَّ صِنفانِ :
“Two groups of people will perish because of me:
مُحِبٌّ مُفرِطٌ يذهَبُ بِهِ الحُبُّ إلى غَيرِ الحَقِّ ،
“An excessive lover whose love leads him astray
ومُبغِضٌ مُفرِطٌ يَذهَبُ بِهِ البُغضُ إلى غَيرِ الحَقِّ .
and an excessive hater whose hatred leads him astray.
وخَيرُ النّاسِ فِيَّ حالاً النَّمَطُ الأَوسَطُ ،
The best of people is the middle body,
فَالزَموهُ .
so be with him.”
نهج البلاغة : الخطبة 127 .
Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 127.
891. عنه عليه السلام :
891. Imam Ali (AS) said:
اللّهُمَّ إنّي بَريءٌ مِنَ الغُلاةِ
“O God! I dissociate myself from the extremists,
كَبَراءَةِ عيسَى بنِ مَريمَ مِنَ النَّصارى ،
as Jesus, son of Mary, dissociated himself from the Christians.
اللّهُمَّ اخذُلهُم أبَدا ،
O God! Abondon them forever
ولا تَنصُر مِنهُم أحَدا .
and help none of them.”
الأمالي للطوسي : ص 650 ح 1350
Al-Amali, by al-Tusi, p. 650, h. 1350.