Institute for the Revival of Islamic Culture: An Introduction
Muhammd-Hadi Khaliqi, editor
The Institute for the Revival of Islamic Culture is a research centre, dealing with textual scholarship on Islamic MSS in such fields as history, hadith, hadith-oriented tafsir (exegesis), rijal, and the virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt. Starting its activities in 1367 AH Solar/1988, it has published over forty volumes of books, a bibliography of which is included. The Institute is located in Qum, with a specialized library and some 80,000 card catalogues on rijal and hadith authors. The Institute is directed by Sheikh ‘Ali ’Al-i Kawthar.
Key Words: Institute for the Revival of Islamic Culture, History, Hadith, Hadith-Oriented Tafsir (Exegesis), Rijal, the Virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt.
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