Mawsu`t al-Imam Ali bin Abi Talib fi al-Kitab wa al-Sunnata wa al-Tarikh
(Encyclopedia of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib in the Book, Sunnah and History)
Muhammad Muhammadi Rayshahri
With the collaboration of Sayyed Mohammad Kazem Tabatabi, Sayyed Mahmud Tabatabinejad,
1st ed., 2000, 12 Volumes, Arabic
Dar al-Hadith, Qom, Iran
Relying on the holy Quran, hadith and history, Mawsu`t al-Imam Ali bin Abi Talib discusses various aspects of Imam Ali ’s life from birth to martyrdom.
The compilation of the work took more than ten years. Besides the holy Quran, the Hadith and historical texts, the present work has relied on many modern research studies. After doing a lot of research and studying almost all available historical sources, commentaries and hadiths, the author of the collection and his colleagues at the Research Center of Dar al-Hadith chose the best of them for the present study. The selection and presentation of the texts are based on the practiced principles and rules of fiqh al-Hadith (Understanding of Hadith) and criticism of historical texts. In order to reject or accept the quotations, viewpoints and ideas of the traditionists and historians. The authors relied on contextual conformities of the texts as well as their rational evaluation and their assessment on the basis of the Quran, Sunnah and established historical facts. The present work is not merely a compilation of the sayings of Imam Ali or historical texts about him, rather it introduces his personality, discusses his life from birth to martyrdom and also explains the time and space of his valuable sayings. This approach provides the reader with an opportunity to fully comprehend the true meaning, depth and philosophy of the stances and remarks of the Imam (PBUH). Hence, his useful, sometimes lengthy, statements have been put in their proper places related to the original chapters and texts so that the reader would be able to reach a comprehensive, encompassing documented analysis. Most of these statements like many chapters of the book are about the daily needs and try to provide answers to the questions and problems of today’s Muslim societies. They include the political insight of the Imam, Alawid reforms, psychoanalysis of the Insurgents (Kharijites), the period of loneliness and suffering of the Imam and how he dealt with the opponents and treated them.
The 12-volume study is 4,500 pages containing 6738 historical texts and hadiths with more than 30,000 references and about 570 Shi`ite and Sunni sources (320 Sunni and 250 Shi`ite sources). A brief introduction of the sixteen chapters of the study is given below.
Chapter I: Genealogy of Imam Ali (PBUH)
The first chapter discusses the dynasty, the birthplace and the environment where he grew up, private life, personality of parents, names, titles, nicknames, mode of life, marriages, wives, and children of ImamAli (PBUH).
Chapter II: Imam Ali (PBUH) with the Prophet (PBUH)
The second chapter discusses the companionship of Imam Ali (PBUH) with the Holy Prophet (PBUH) from the early days of Bi’tha (appointment as a prophet onto mankind) to his demise and also demonstrates his presence on the side of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in all occasions in order to pave the way for the rule of Islam in the society. Also it discusses the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) efforts right from Bi'tha, when he was ordained as God's messenger up to his departure, to elucidate the position of Imam Ali after his demise.
Chapter III: Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) Efforts for the Leadership of Imam Ali (PBUH)
The third chapter maintains that besides the event of Ghadir – wich was the peak of Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) continuous efforts in completing his mission, His Holiness spared no efforts up to the end of his life to emphasize on the leadership of Imam Ali .
Chapter IV: Imam Ali (PBUH) after the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
Chapter IV provides answers to the following questions: why the Prophet’s (PBUH) desire for the future did not materialize? Why Imam Ali (PBUH) kept silent in the aftermath of the departure of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) until he was elected as the ruler? Also in the course of reporting the events that took place in the aftermath of the departure of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and those during the caliphate of Uthman and the people’s uprising against him, sagacious stances of the Leader of the Sages have been discussed.
Chapter V: Imam Ali’s (PBUH) Policies
The fifth chapter discusses in length the way Imam Ali (PBUH) came to power, his reforms, his fundamentals in carrying out the reforms and the reflections of the reforms in the society. The review of most pivotal fundamentals of Imam Ali (PBUH) in carrying out the reforms in the cultural, economic, social, judicial, and security fields is among the most important subjects of this chapter. The political viewpoints of the Imam, the reasons for the stability of the governments, the reasons for the weakness and fall of governments, ways of intergovernmental cooperation, etc. are among other important subjects discussed in this chapter.
Chapter VI: Imam Ali’s Battles
The fifth chapter discusses the reasons and roots of the seditions and plots that surfaced during the caliphate of Imam Ali. It also discusses the plots of the Disloyals (Nakithin), the Illegitimate Claimants of Power (Qasetin) and the Defectors who later waged an armed uprising (Mariqin) against the Imam and who resisted the reforms of the Imam and his principled, inflexible stances vis-à-vis the divine rights and values and the rights of the people.
Chapter VII: The Period of Loneliness of Imam Ali (PBUH)
This chapter discusses the concluding years of Imam Ali’s rule when he was engaged in thwarting the plots and facing the plotters. His statements relating to those years are full of pang, suffering. It was during this period that Egypt fell and the most faithful, loyal, effective and courageous companion of the Imam, that is, Malik Ashtar, fell martyr, agonizing and renting the heart of the Imam. The seventh chapter is an account of the loneliness of the Imam, the account of oppression inflicted on him, the inequities against him, and the reflection of his loneliness.
Chapter VIII: Martyrdom of Imam Ali (PBUH)
The present chapter discusses the way of martyrdom of Imam Ali (PBUH), his instructive statements up to his martyrdom, the stances of the most staunch enemy of the Imam and his reaction after hearing the news of the Imam’s (PBUH) martyrdom, the burial of the Imam, the hiding of the Imam’s grave, and finally the subject of visiting the Imam's shrine and its blessings.
Chapter IX: Imam Ali (PBUH) in Viewpoint of others
The ninth chapter elaborates on the personality of the Imam (PBUH) from the viewpoint of the Quran, the Holy Prophet (PBUH), the Imam himself, Hadhrat Zahra, the Most Purified (PBUH), the Household of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), the Prophet’s Companions, the Prophet’s wives and a number of outstanding scientific, cultural and political figures as well as some poets, literati, and orators and even the enemies of the Imam.
Chapter X: Characteristics of Imam Ali (PBUH)
The tenth chapter discusses the characteristics of Imam Ali in the light of the Quranic verses and historical reports. Also his convictional, ethical, and practical, political and social characteristics as well as his endeavors in the holy wars and battles have been discussed in details in separate sections.
Chapter XI: Knowledge of Imam Ali (PBUH)
The eleventh chapter discusses the scientific status and knowledge of Imam Ali (PBUH) in various fields. Also his teachings in various fields such as divinity, ontology, psychology, education, sociology, ethics, history, literature and poetry have been classified under a topic entitled: “Some Radiations of His Knowledge”.
Chapter XII: Imam Ali’s (PBUH) Judgments
The twelfth chapter discusses various aspects of the judgments of Imam Ali (PBUH) in four sections. In the first section of this chapter the status of the Imam as “the best judge” - according to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) - has been discussed. Some judgments of the Imam during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), those in the aftermath of the Holy Prophet’s departure as well as during his own caliphate have been reported here.
Chapter XIII: Imam Ali’s Virtues
The present chapter reproduces some accounts of the spiritual power, Universal Wilaya and manifestations of divine vicegerency (khalifatullahi) of the Imam. He who was a sublime manifestation of the Divine power and grandeur. Acceptance of the supplications, speaking of the unseen and invisibles as well as some miraclcs such as retuning the sun, which is a unique, wonderful miracle by itself, etc, are some of those manifestations.
Chapter VIX: Loving the Imam
The fourteenth chapter emphasizes on the love and devotion for the Imam, and discusses the blessings associated with his love and the characteristics of his true lovers, while a separate section has been assigned to the necessity of avoidance of any exaggeration regarding the love of the Imam.
Chapter XV: Hostility towards the Imam
The present chapter focuses on the issue of hostility towards the Imam while the reasons for such hostilities, the damages of these hostilities, the real face of some of his greatest enemies, their failure in concealing the Imam’s bright face, etc. have been elucidated.
Chapter XVI: The Imam’s Companions and Executives
A brief account of the personality of a number of companions and executives of the Imam has been reproduced in this chapter.
The bibliographical data of the Persian translation of the collection are: Encyclopedia of the Commander of Faithful on the Basis of the Quran, Hadith and History, trans. Abdulhadi Mas`udi, Mohammad Ali Sultani, Mahdi Mehrizi, Sayyed Abulqasem Hosseini (Zharfa), and Javad Mohadethi, Qom: 2003, 13 volumes.
The Volume 13 of the translated collection contains the topical index and other contents of the entire collection. In this volume, the entire encyclopedia has been indexed in a precise manner on the basis of topics and subtopics. There are about 3,000 main entries and tens of thousands of related indexes of the collection in this volume. The indexes of this collection are so frequent that some of its entries such as Ali (PBUH) constitute about 50 pages with hundreds of indexes. The indexes of this collection give proper clues to the researchers of history and religion to all exiting information of the collection, facilitating their easy access to the issues of their interest. The indexing of the present collection was carried out by Mohammad Moradi.
Mawsu`t al-Imam Ali bin Abi Talib fi al-Kitab wa al-Sunnata wa al-Tarikh was selected as the Best Book in the second round of the Wilayat Book of the Year in 2000. The translation of the collection was also selected as the Best Translation in the sixth round of the Wilayat Book of the Year.
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