Encyclopedia of Call to Prayers (Adhan)
Muhammad Muhammadi Rayshahri
With the collaboration of Abdulhadi Mas`udi,
Translated into Persian by Hamid Reza Sheikhi,
1st ed., 2005, 115 pages
Dar al-Hadith, Qom, Iran
The Encyclopedia of Call to Prayers is a drop of the vast ocean of genuine Islamic teachings and sciences and one of the entries of the Encyclopedia of Mizan al-Hikmah, which is published independently. In the present encyclopedia, the concepts and terms that have a widespread cultural application in the Quran and Hadith are analyzed and semantically studied in an alphabetic manner, new order and by giving the examples of the applications. Some of the entries within the encyclopedia have a special, effective cultural application, that is, all of the Muslims or a special group of them deal with them round-the-clock. Hence, in order to improve and strengthen the public culture of the Muslim societies, it is necessary to provide the public with handbooks and guidebooks containing the teachings related to the said concepts and terms. On the basis of this approach, entries of this nature are prepared for the public in the form of independent books in different portable sizes so that they can be easily studied.
The Encyclopedia of Call to Prayers is second in the series of encyclopedias whose main objective is to improve and strengthen behavioral cultural values. The encyclopedia elaborates such topics as: the beginning of ordainment of Call to Prayers, the significance of promotion of culture of Call to Prayers, individual, social and political philosophies and messages of the Call to Prayers, benefits and blessings of Call to Prayers, way of Call to Prayers and interpretation of its inner being, value of caller to prayers and rights of muadin (caller to prayers), and live idan (Call to Prayers) in the present age.
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