Al-Dunya wa al-Akhira fi al-Kitab wa al-Sunnah
(The World and the Hereafter in the Book and Sunnah)
Muhammad Muhammadi Rayshahri
With the collaboration of Sayyed Rasul Moosavi,
1st ed., 2005, 520 pages. Arabic
Dar al-Hadith, Qom, Iran
The world and the hereafter are two fundamental subjects in the field of issues related to cosmology, anthropology and theology. Man’s orientations in the creedal, cultural, economic and political fields are closely related to the way of his approach to this world and the hereafter. Hence, knowledge of the viewpoint of Islam about these two crucial subjects is of great importance for the followers of the divine religions.
The book of “The World and the Hereafter in the Quran and Sunnah” has organized the guidelines of the Quran and the Hadith in this field in four chapters on the basis of a new order.
Chapter I elaborates the truth of the world and its features, the role of the world in the making of the Hereafter and the guidelines of Islam to attain happiness in the world and the Hereafter. It has five parts.
Chapter II discusses the censured world, its features and its analysis and warns against it. The chapter also studies the harms of attachment to the censured world as well as the roots and signs of this attachment in six parts.
Chapter III discusses the meaning of asceticism in the world, its blessings and effects, grounds and roots as well as the differences between Islamic asceticism and Christian monasticism. Also some guidelines for achieving this attribute and some examples of Islamic asceticism have been given in this chapter, which has six parts.
Chapter IV elaborates the truth of the Hereafter and life after death, its features, emphasis on the significance of life in the eternal world, characteristics of those who pay attention to the Hereafter, emphasis on remembrance of the Hereafter and not forgetting it, the advantages of remembrance of the Hereafter and the harms of forgetting it, as well as emphasis on the deeds that lead to happiness and success. The chapter has been organized in five parts.
The author in the preface has recommended the frequent reading of the book, maintaining that the book is the essence of the guidelines of Islam about the realities and truths of the world and the Hereafter, for it offers extraordinary constructive points for all the followers of the Quran, particularly for the statesmen and seekers of wayfaring towards the Absolute Truth.
The Persian translation of the book has been published along with its Arabic version. The title of the Persian translation is: The World and the Hereafter in the Viewpoint of the Quran and Hadith, with the collaboration of Sayyid Rasul Moosavi, tr. Hamid Ridha Sheikhi, Qom: Dar al Hadith, 1st ed., 2006, two volumes.
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