Ahl al-Bayt fi al-Kitab wa al-Sunnah

(The Holy Prophet’s Household in the Book and Sunnah)

Muhammad Muhammadi Rayshahri


With the collaboration of Sayyed Rasul Moosavi,

2nd ed., 2003, 645 pages, Arabic

Dar al-Hadith, Qom, Iran

The book is a comprehensive and authentic source for better under­standing of the Ahl al-Bait based on the historical sources, commenta­ries, theological sources and hadiths of both the schools of thought. The book is part of the Mawsu`ah Mi­zan al-Hikmah that has been publi­shed independently. It contains 1303 hadiths attributed to the Holy Pro­phet (PBUH) and the Infallible Ima­ms (PBUT) about the concept, status, and characteristics of the Ahl al-Bait while specifying the members of Ahl al-Bait. It has fourteen chapters and various parts that are explained briefly below.

Preface: The preface of the book is about the exegesis of the verse of purification (Tathir). The author ar­gues that according to authentic ha­diths the word Ahl al-Bait refers to a specific group of the Holy Pro­phet’s Household, and the term does not include his wives. Expressing aver­sion from the exaggerators and rec­ounting some of the sufferings of the Infallibles are among other issues dis­cussed in this part.  

Chapter I: The first question answered of this chapter is: Who are the Ahl al-Bait? Another question of the chapter is: Are the Imams other than the five mem­bers of the Kasa (Robe) inclu­ded in the Ahl al-Bait?

Chapter II: This chapter discu­sses the issue of knowing the Ahl al-Bait and referring to their status, it provides answer to the question: Why it is necessary to know the Ahl al-Bait.

Chapter III is an attempt to introduce the characteristics of the Ahl al-Bait, while Chapter IV dis­cusses the source of the knowledge of the Ahl al-Bait and its comprehensiveness.

In this chapter the Ahl al-Bait have been introduced, the necessity of their knowledge is elaborated and their sublime status in the Isla­mic culture is elucidated,

Chapter V is an attempt to provide answers to the questions What the genuine religion is in the viewpoint of the Ahl al-Bait and who the true believers are.

Chapter VI discusses the recommendations of the Ahl al-Bait to the public and scholars.

Chapter VII depicts the ethical image and mode of conduct of the Ahl al-Bait, while Chapter VIII referring to the rights of the Ahl al-Bait provides answer to the following question what the duties of the Muslims towards the Ahl al-Bait are.

Chapter IX discusses the issue of love of the Ahl al-Bait. Hence it provides answer to the following question:

Is the emphasis of the Quran and the Holy Prophet of Islam on the love of the Ahl al-Bait merely based on emotion?

Is this emphasis rooted in their affinity with the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? Or, is it beyond affinity and not merely based on emotion?

Chapter X discusses the hostility and disaffection towards the Ahl al-Bait and its adverse consequences for the enemies of the Ahl al-Bait.

Since unfortunately the Ahl al-Bait, despite the strong recomme­ndations of the Holy Prophet (PB­UH) of Islam, were subjected to un­fair treatment, Chapter XI discu­sses the oppression the Ahl al-Bait underwent in the course of history. Chapter XII discusses the gover­nment of Ahl al-Bait in the future history while Chapter XIII discusses the exaggeration about the Ahl al-Bait, clearing the borders between the exaggeration and love and affection. It also discusses whether the Shi`ites exaggerate about the Ahl al-Bait.

The concluding chapter discusses the great family of the Ahl al-Bait, clarifying the fact that affinity is not enough for membership in this fa­mily. The chapter discusses the char­a­­cteristics of the members of the Ahl al-Bait and those who are not members.

The Persian translation of the book along with its Arabic version has been published with the follo­wing bibliographical data: The Ahl al-Bait in the Quran and Hadith, trans. Hamid Ridha Sheikhi and Hamid Ridha Ajir, Qom, Dar al-Hadith, 2000, two volumes, 1014 pages.

The English transition of this collection has been published with the following bibliographical data: The Image of the Holy Prophet's Houshold, trans. by Ahmad Rezvani and Mohammad Ridha Mesbahi, Qom, Dar al-Hadith, 1st edition 2002, 531 pages.

The Urdu version of the book has been published with the following bibliographical data: Ahlbait Kitab wa Sunnat ki Rushani Min, trans. Allamah Sayyed Zi -shan Heidar Javadi, Luknhow, Tanzim ul Makatib Gu Leh Ganj, 1st ed., 1418 Hegira (lunar), 639 pages.

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